That Old Double Standard

The bloggard left is up in arms over the story that someone connected to Fox News may have paid up to $2Million to speed the release of Steve Centanni and Olag Wiig, with John Avarosis of the AmericaBlog going so far as to say

And the Bush administration, they were heavily involved in this effort to free the FOX reporters – were they aware that someone was paying off terrorists? Were they the ones who arranged payment? This is abominable if true.

When I did a search of AmericaBlog, I found no mention of previously “captured” Italian psuedo-reporter and avowed America hater, Giuliana Sgrena. No surprise, though. Iit wouldn’t be like Avarosis to actually report real news anyway. But I decided to refrain from searching other left-wing blogs on the subject in order to not embarass him by showing how his side of the sphere came down on the side of funding al Qaeda in Iraq to get a terrorist sympathizer out of the clutches of actual terrorists.

Speaking of Fox News, a memo from their VP was “exposed” by HuffPo (here) in which he directs the news crews to look into “What is the Dem plan for Iraq?”, “be on the lookout for any statements from the Iraqi insurgents” cheering the Dem win last week, and report on the Democrat in-fighting during the Hoyer/Murtha vote for House Majority Leader spot.


These are stories I’d be interested in, and suspect that a large portion of the American news watching public would be as well.

But Cenk Uygur, of “The Young Turks” radio show fame, thinks this is reason enough to demand the firing of Fox News VP, John Moody.

In fact, he compares this memo from Moody to the removal of Dan Rather from the CBS Newsdesk when Rather used forged documents. I swear, if these people could analogize, they be dangerous.

Now, if Moody had pulled an Eason Jordan and claimed that Democrats were killing jounalists on purpose, then he should have been made to step down. But for doing his job, no fooking way.

Ok, now stop laughing. The leftists are delusional for a reason.

What that reason is is beyond me, but that is the rumor I heard on Fox News.

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