Linkage, Schminkage: Day 1

Finally, a free moment to dump these links:

Here you will find a whiny so and so named Jordan who actually believes that if the unions were stronger, the number of employee deaths and injuries on the job would fall.

Nevermind that OSHA was created when unions were at their strongest and that as union membership declined steadily, worker injuries and deaths decreased, including the last few years as the national government was under Republican control.

If you go here you will find and excerpt of a book by Joan Burbick, author of Gun Show Nation: Gun Culture and American Democracy. Burbick contends that gun show attending males are not only afraid of their wives and ex-wives, but are just hatefilled neanderthals. I don’t attend that many gun shows these days, but in my teens I would go to a certain one in Puyallup every month. I cannot think of anything “hateful” there.

But then again, I’m not a bigot like Ms. Burbick.

At this link, the dKos dweebies have posted the parodies of those annoying “I’m a Mac/I’m a PC” commercials. Of course, in these spots the cool, hip Mac is a Democrat and the PC is a Republican (aren’t Republicans supposed to be the ones who aren’t “PC”?).

My favorite is the second one, the Dem can speak what I guess the Dems would call “Urban African American” while the Repub cannot. The Democrat, when introducing the “Urban African American” to the Repub, say “We’ve been through a lot together.”

It is true, they have been through a lot together. Like when the Democratic Party created their military wing to keep southern blacks in line. You may remember this wing of the party, it was called the Klu Klux Klan.

Or how about when the Democrats crafted the Jim Crow legislation? That was hoot. For the Dems, at least. I believe though, that the Dems are most fondly proud of their attempts to deny blacks their full civil rights in the 50’s and 60’s. All that voting against the legislation in the national Congress and making it necessary for Eisenhower to send the National Guard to public schools so that the black kids could attend with the white kids and all.

Brings them back happy memories. Just so long as everyone else forgets what they did so they can take the black vote for granted.

Well, that is enough linkage for today. I’ll have more tomorrow and on Friday.

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