Good with a Hammer

You can tell because he nails it.

Puggs the Grey found a piece by Amanda Platell in the UK’s Daily Mail where she compares Bush to Borat (don’t worry, I’m waiting until it comes out on video too).

Platell cracks a couple good ones on Bush, but then sees the light of why doing so isn’t the best idea

In mocking Bush and deliberately distorting his values, we risk pandering to the fanatics’ portrayal of the President as the pantomime villain of global politics, a blood-sucking monster who rejoices in the deaths of innocents and the destruction of Muslim homelands.

This at a time when M15 chief Eliza Manningham-Buller warns us there are 200 terror cells at work here and 30 high-priority plots to wreak mayhem and murder on our streets.

For all Baron Cohen’s implicit cultural superiority, when it comes down to a real challenge against our freedom, the only country that counts is America.

Britain might have the most advanced sense of humour in the world, but we couldn’t fight our way out of a paper bag without America’s help, let alone against an Al Qaeda onslaught.

Puggs continues in good form, as always

How many democrats who delighted in these jokes, woke up after election day to see how Al Qaeda and Iran were congratulating them on winning and beginning the unilateral surrender of America… and sat there in shock? Angry, pissed that the enemies of the United States saw them as advocating surrender? We tried to tell you, but you said it was hate politics….

Well the enemy did congratulate you.

So you can lay off the rethoric of partisan bashing, act in our best interests and learn from it. Learn that evil doesn’t care how you use their words, just that you do.

On one final note, I’d just like to point to our fine progressive, David Neiwert, for a leftist’s explanation as to why al Qaeda cheering a Dem win doesn’t mean that the left is helping them

Hindrocket wonders, “Are Terrorists the Democrats’ Biggest Fans?”

Gee, I dunno, do you suppose the Iranian hostage takers were Ronald Reagan’s biggest fans back in 1980?

The same radical Islamists Bob Gates reportedly held secret negotiations with during the 1980 campaign?

Yes folks, there you have it: Bargaining for the lives of fellow Americans is morally equivalent to an election win in which your main campaign promise was to let the terrorists have Iraq as their playground.

As Ben said previously: Don’t think about that for too long, otherwise your brains will leak like shit out of your ears.

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One Response to Good with a Hammer

  1. Steve says:

    Dear Congressman Murtha,

    Because you guys kinda kick our asses all over the place and we’re left to sniping and leaving boobytraps, we’re kinda wonderin, you know, when you’re going to pull out so we can start planning the celebrations/beheadings. Any help will be appreciated.

    AQ in Iraq
    ps can you send them out of the gulf region, too?

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