They’d better start sucking up now

This just in from the International Useless Debating Society of Turtle Bay, NYC.

Senior officials at the United Nations expressed despair today at the prospect of Kofi Annan being succeeded as secretary general by Ban Ki-Moon, the South Korean foreign minister.

“The mood among staff is glum,” one of the officials said. “We are not very excited about the outcome.” With morale low at the UN after five years dominated by divisions, deadlock and corruption, they are sceptical about Mr Ban’s ability to turn the organisation round or provide the strong, inspirational leadership they had been hoping for.

Actually, they’re just depressed that they won’t have a another honcho who is a conniving rat-bastard dictator-enabler from a third world shithole where slavery is still legal.

The depression stems from their worry that someone from a first world nation may just be able to lead them out of their corrupt ways. Meaning that a bunch of them will not be getting any more free kickback money for a while.

Another official, who has met Mr Ban several times, said: “He is pretty faceless and does not have much charisma. Kofi, for all his problems, is a man of considerable dignity, political insight and wide international experience.”

I’d want to stay anonymous too if I were standing up for a man who singlehandedly helped fatten the pockets of his relatives on the backs of the Iraqi people via the Oil for Food debacle, whose IAEA let North Korea build, test and stockpile nuclear weapons right under their noses, and sat on his hands during the ethnic cleansing of millions on his home continent.

And, of course, let us not forget Srebrenica.

If Kofi “Accomplice to Mass Murder” Annan had taken just one fucking phone call and then made another single phone call to green-light the bombing of the hostile Serb forces surrounding the town of Srebrenica, over 8000 Bosnians might still be alive today.

But he didn’t. Whatever he was having for lunch that day was just too tasty. It must have tasted like death, because we all know that is what Kofi likes.

I have never met or spoken to Mr. Ban or anyone around him. But I have no idea how he could be as bad or worse than the worthless puke currently holding the title.

Especially after reading this:

Officials, who requested anonymity on the grounds that they would be working for Mr Ban, portray him as more secretary than general, happier with the minutiae of administrative detail than broad international strategy, and a man given to platitudes.

What, you mean he doesn’t want to shape the world to his vision? Bring him on.

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2 Responses to They’d better start sucking up now

  1. Raging_Dave says:

    I feel confident in saying that Mr. Ban cannot possibly be worse than the man he’s replacing.


  2. Wally the bird says:

    It would be better off for america if we withdrew from the UN and evicted the UN from our sovregn american soil

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