The Opening of a New Front

In the eco-socialists war to clean up after the her holiness, Gaia, has begun in the rivers on the central east coast.

Wildlife waste is major polluter – How clean should we expect nature to be?

Does a bear leave its waste in the woods?

Of course. So do geese, deer, muskrats, raccoons and other wild animals. And now, such states as Virginia and Maryland have determined that this plays a significant role in water pollution.

Scientists have run high-tech tests on harmful bacteria in local rivers and streams and found that many of the germs — and in the Potomac and Anacostia rivers, a majority of them– come from wildlife dung. The strange proposition that nature is apparently polluting itself has created a serious conundrum for government officials charged with cleaning up the rivers.

As Nelson from the Simpson’s would say “HA-HA!”

First, they legislate a regulation as to what constitutes a “Clean Standard” for rivers.

Then, they find out that said standard is unattainable because of nature itself.

That is what happens when eco-socialists are put in charge of the EPA. Or anything, for that matter.

Of course, any person who could be considered and actual “Conservationist”, who is not an agenda driven idealogue, could have told them what the conclusion of their study would be over lunch.

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One Response to The Opening of a New Front

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Stop with the ha-ha. What this is leading to is the greenies saying that because bears, deer, chipmunks, etc. poop in the woods means humans can’t. They will then push to close large tracts of forest to human activity on the basis that animal poo is all the pollution impact those tracts can stand.

    If you think that this is far-fetched, consider the Marine Impact Areas in the Channel Islands and around Catalina Island, and soon in the San Juans, where the Feds don’t/won’t even allow treated effluent from modern yacht sewage treatment systems like mine to be pumped overboard.

    This same illogic is seen with the current “global warming” line of enviro-crap. If you succeed in beating down an enviro’s lying about atmospheric science, said enviroweenie will usually come up with something like “even if man’s atmospheric emissions aren’t doing any damage, we have to cut them back in case a volcano erupts”, or some similar bulltwaddle.

    The only real counter to these arguments travels at 1,000 feet per second or better.

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