Propaganda 101

This is how you handle the scandal, cruise the news, and make the story boring.

At least if you’re a leftist and want to keep the focus on a non-event like “Holey Foley!”

Take yesterday’s crash of a private plane into an NYC apartment building:

You can cover it like Karol at Alarming News, update extensively and even crack a joke at Alec Baldwin’s expense once it is found that it wasn’t terrorism.

Or you can be like John Avarosis at Americablog and John Amato at CrooksandLiars, “Oh yeah, and a plane crashed in New York.” No mention of a building being involved and focusing on who was involved.

How about the story of Connecticut Representative, Chris Shays, taking advantage of Teddy “Bubbles” Kennedy being in his state to stump for Shays opponent and reminding everyone that a Republican never left someone to drown under a bridge while they went to get sober and a lawyer.

You can cover it like the AoSHQ, quote well and take a swipe at Kennedy because he deserves it.

Or you can cover it like Avarosis and Amato did: Equate sending dirty IM’s to Vehicular and/or Negligent Homicide and remind their readers about Laura Bush’s accident from high school.

Or maybe you’re trying to put water on the fire that is the fact that your party’s Senate Leader is has been making crafty land deals for a decade or so.

You could link to El Capitan and let your readers know that Harry Reid isn’t all he’s cracked up to be and has been bending legislation to improve the price of his land parcels.

Or you could use your power as three of the top five leftist blogs in the liberal-blogosphere (Markos Zuniga, Avarosis and Amato) and write about how you’ve read the entire AP story and just can’t figure out what the big fuss is, even though the story was quite clear what Reid did wrong.

On this last one, make sure to try and use the words “Hit Piece” and link to each other. That way, your readers can tell their friends they have “multiple sources” that confirm it to be no big deal.

Whatever you do, do not stop blaming Bush for everything from North Korea to the weather. Your leftist credentials can be called into question at any time.

If you fail at this, you could be called a “Rethuglican”.

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