The Lazy Hummingbird

Outside my office window is a huge Lavender bush. I say “huge” because it is over 12ft tall and 50ft long. The neighboring business uses it as a hedge.

After I get to work but before the sun goes down, a there is a hummingbird of some sort or another that flys along the hedge and grabs a meal. But the other day I saw it doing something I’ve never seen another hummingbird do.

It landed on a branch, sat there and started going through a pair of clustered lavender blossoms.

Granted, I’m not the world’s greated birdwatcher, but this still made me look twice.

I completely understand it taking a break to eat. I wouldn’t like having to always run and eat at the same time. But I had just never heard of them doing this before.

I blame the strong union presence.

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2 Responses to The Lazy Hummingbird

  1. mech says:

    Well, the little guys do have to eat nearly their own body weight every day just to survive. Maybe he’s stocking up for the trip south. Actually sounds like he is being effecient, increasing productivity–quite un-union-like.

  2. David says:

    Just yesterday the wife and I were up visiting my Dad on his little Sonoma vineyard, and we watched a hummingbird sitting quietly on a twig, resting between feedings. I’d never seen a hummingbird resting before.

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