The Dumbest Thing I’ve Read All Day: 09/15

Everybody say “ho!” It’s a twofer!

I was having one hell of a time finding something truly fitting of this series this morning. Blogsnot was down and even Avarosis was only being inflammatory, so what to do!?!

Why The Huff-a-ton Post, of course!

Barely one-third of the way down the list of stories, professional eco-defender, Laurie David, chews out Wolf Blitzer for giving the “There is No Global Warming” side of the debate a few minutes of airtime:

Dear Mr. Blitzer,

How is it possible, after a year of extensive media coverage, numerous scientific studies, and An Inconvenient Truth, you are still offering global warming reports that mislead and confuse the American public? Tuesday, when reporting on the new findings by the American Meteorological Society linking global warming to hurricane ferocity, you immediately undermined the report by giving equal weight to the one “skeptic” who says it just ain’t so.

Oh No! Not one skeptic! He could ruin the hyper-frightening monopoly! how dare you, Mr. Blitzer!

Then, just below Ms. “We’re All Gonna Boil in the Oceans” Laurie David, I find writer and former university instructor, Ed Hamilton, thanks the Pentagon (in all seriousness) for not bombing that funeral full of al Qaida members in Afghanistan:

The Pentagon is apparently taking heat for their refusal to bomb a funeral in Afghanistan. So I just wanted to be the first to commend the Army officers involved in the decision for their courage in standing up to the bloodthirsty lunatics in the White House who would bring our country down to the level of the terrorists.

This is a breath of moral fresh air in the otherwise fetid quagmire into which we have sunk ourselves in the Middle East.

America cannot win with these folks; If we’d have bombed the funeral, we’d be “Sinking to their level”. But since we haven’t erradicated al qiada from Afghanistan, we’re failures.

You’d think that smart people would be the ones who are never happy, because they know the world’s ills. But it turns out that it is the ones who shouldn’t be given shoelaces who fill that niche.

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