The Dumbest Thing I’ve Read All Day: 09/13

It must have been coincidence. Or maybe it was divie providence.

I don’t know what it was exactly, but today’s installment of “The Dumbest Thing I’ve Read All Day” actually has the word “Stupid” in the title.

Not only that, you can tell that what you are about to read is going to be truly dumb just from reading that title.

Stupid Bush, Terrorists CAN’T win in Iraq

Oh my! I saw that title over at the dKos Animal Farm and Petting Zoo and knew that I had a winner.

Here is the intro paragraph from dKos diarrheaist “agorabum” :

Just how do terrorist win in Iraq?  This is an important question. Bush Co. likes to define terrorists “winning” if Americans do something he doesn’t want us to. Like dissent, or call on a pull-out of Iraq. But if we leave Iraq, do the terrorists actually win? What do they define as a victory?  A sunni Islamic caliphate. Could Al-Queda turn Iraq into one, like Afghanistan under the Taliban? Of course not.

Sounds as though “agorabum” fell out of the stupid tree and hit every damn branch on the way down. It’s a good thing he’s too dumb to notice the pain.

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2 Responses to The Dumbest Thing I’ve Read All Day: 09/13

  1. DFWMTX says:

    Since for liberals, the war in Iraq = the Vietnam war, it’s like this. Your side “wins” by not loosing and making the other guy so frustrated he stops fighting you and goes away. It’s a war of attrition, seeing who’ll go bankrupt first paying the butcher’s bill.

    Oh, but I’m a conservative, therefore nothing I say responding to the liberal’s statement has any meaning to them.

  2. agorabum says:

    How do the terrorists win? We know that the goal of Al-Queda is an islamic caliphate in the muslim world. The Iraqi people hate Al-Queda and would not let such a goverment come into being (nor would their neighbors). So, again, how do the terrorists win?
    Also, in internal communications, Al-Queda says they want to prolong U.S. involvment, so that they can use the war as a recruiting tool and bleed America by killing soldiers and making the U.S. spend money.
    So another way to help the terrorists win is to stay.
    If we weren’t around to help give an excuse for jihadis (one of many, to be sure, but clearly the main one), then the Iraqi people would turn on the foreigners causing so much mayhem pretty quickly.

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