I wanna go!

Market forces are working against colleges. Not only do they teach things that no one wants to learn, like UCLA’s “The Psychology of the Lesbian Experience”, they also raise their rates ahead of inflation until people cannot afford to attend. Then enrollment drops.

This problem is usually easily for the colleges and their representatives to sluff off onto those “eevviill Republicans”. Not only do the colleges get some free good press, they also get to push their agenda of making the US federal government pay not just for those who qualify, but for anyone who wants to go. They, of course, have not seen the next step in that progression; Our nation’s colleges becoming what our public high schools have become.

I attribute this to the outstandingly large dollar signs in their eyes.

But some private colleges are having even more trouble.

They’re having to admit hairy, smelly, roudy and undoubtably horny animals just to keep their doors open.

Tears Spill As College Votes To Admit Men

The board of trustees of Randolph-Macon Woman’s College voted yesterday to admit men, even as students and alumnae chanted “Keep R-MWC a WC” outside.

Many students burst into tears or yelled as the announcement was made; some trustees were crying, too, said several people who were on the Lynchburg campus.

Good lord, it sounds to me as if they need some men around. What is crying going to do for them? Maybe getting up to fetch their men some beers would have taken their mind off their sorrows.

The decision to admit men is part of a plan that trustees believe is their best chance to save the 115-year-old school from eroding enrollment and financial problems. Since the 1960s, the college has lost students, with its retention rate falling to just over 60 percent.

Hmm, perhaps they might want to teach some personality enhancing classes. These estro-segregationists don’t sound like a very nice bunch

The interim president implored students not to turn their backs on the school as it goes coed beginning next fall. But many did just that, witnesses said, turning away from her. Hundreds of protesters marched with signs and T-shirts (“Better Dead Than Co-ed”).

Well, at least they’ll have some fancy shirts to wash in Laundry 101.

Officials have had to dip into the endowment to keep the school running and to give scholarships and other financial aid to nearly all of the 712 students as incentives. National studies have shown that 3 percent of young women consider attending an all-female college.

Forty years ago, there were hundreds of women’s college in the nation, but only about 60 remain. Hood College in Frederick made a similar decision in 2003.

It must be that whole “I’m as good as a man and I should be competeing right next to him” ideal that came along with the whole women’s movement thingie. These gals need to learn that ideal and not keep themselves down. Because, like I’m always telling the wife, she can keep a kitchen clean like no one else’s business.

So I’m thinking of attending.

Going to a formerly militant women-only college really wouldn’t be that different from being a non-liberal in Seattle. I mean, if over half the population is going to hate me, they may as well all have boobs.

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4 Responses to I wanna go!

  1. Ted says:

    It’s not the men they hate, it’s the current board. Apparently this decision was made “in secret” last spring and they tried to keep it under wraps while really ramping up the alumni fund-raising machine. They knew the alumni would cut ’em off at the knees. Basically, they lied about the financial status of the school in order to build up a war chest.

  2. DFWMTX says:

    I think every sane man should take at least one women’s studies course. No, not to become more sympathetic to the plight of women everywhere. No, just insert the term “man-hating feminism” into any of your answers, opiniions, or papers, and see the kind of reaction you’ll get. You’ll learn modern feminism is far from the ideal of equality between the sexes.

  3. These are the same type of folks who screamed bloody murder about VMI and the Citadel not admitting women. I believe there’s a saying about what’s good for the goose?

    Just out of idle curiousity, I wonder how many all-male colleges are left in the US?

  4. Emily says:

    Hi! I think we need to leave VMI and the Citadel out of it. They are public schools, not private ones. Public schools cannot discriminate on sex by law. Private schools can.

    For the record, I was a twelve-year-old cheerleader wannabe when it was announced that VMI would be admitting women. I remember because my best friend at the time, the leader of the JV squad, had a dad who was a graduate. I said, “Why would any girl want to go to VMI?” I couldn’t fathom wanting to do push-ups.

    When I chose a college, I RMWC. I think that the tight-knit, cooperative environment helped to form me into a strong, intelligent woman. I’m now thriving in law school.

    Furthermore, there are all-men schools left in the nation – Wabash, Morehouse, and Hampden-Sydney are a few. Indeed, some Hampden-Sydney men have rallied to RMWC’s cause. Single-sex education is a choice which is good for some women, just as it is good for some men.

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