I must be missing something

Can I get a helping hand here, please?

Some public universities in Ohio are including in a six-question form inside the applications for employment. The questions are:

  • Are you a member of an organization on the U.S. Department of State Terrorist Exclusion List?
  • Have you used any position of prominence you have with any country to persuade others to support an organization on the U.S. Department of State Terrorist Exclusion List?
  • Have you knowingly solicited fund or other things of value for an organization on the U.S. Department of State Terrorist Exclusion List?
  • Have you solicited any individual for membership in an organization on the U.S. Department of State Terrorist Exclusion List?
  • Have you committed an act that you know, or reasonably should have known, affords “material support or resources” to an organization on the U.S. Department of State Terrorist Exclusion List?
  • Have you hired or compensated a person you knew to be a member of an organization on the U.S. Department of State Terrorist Exclusion List, or a person you knew to be engaged in planning, assisting or carrying out an act of terrorism?

Of course, a large number of the ‘intellectuals’ applying for employ at the universities are crying about having to answer these questions. Apparently they don’t think giving support to terrorists is a ‘bad thing’.

Here’s a little inside info: The background check to get a job driving a garbage truck has questions somewhat similar to these on it and then goes further than the standard Commercial Drivers License proceedure or even a Concealed Pistol License background check does. One of the circumstances is if your car was repossesed recently or you’re behind in your mortgage payments, you fail and don’t get the job.

If I was sending my kids off to school, I would have to interview each and every one of his/her instructors before I let them take classes there, which is one of the reasons I’ll probably never have kids. But if more parents took a greater interest in their child’s higher education, the one they’re usually paying for directly, we wouldn’t have a vast sea of radical socialists on campus because no one would want to take their classes.

Now here is my question: Do you believe that this set of questions qualify as a “Loyalty Oath”?

The America Association of University Professors is comparing the two and thinks they can beat the questionaire in court with that tack. I can’t see it because it is merely askign ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions, not demanding any kind of fealty.

I just hope questionaire gets a judge worth their pay who’ll tell the professors to stuff it. I also hope that there will be loads of media attention to the questionaire by the suit so that more univerisites get into including it in their employment paperwork.

Found at the AoSHQ

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One Response to I must be missing something

  1. Attilainohio says:

    I guess us poor dumb electricians need to prove we are not terrorists, but the intellectuals are so above us they should not be asked. The more I think about it the more attractive the quillotine option appears.

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