Getting out the Vote: Silent Reprise

Two points from yesterday’s info I’d like to review:

First, Evergreen Politics, a NW based leftist blog, had a post up yesterday that followed the same lines as my GotV: Pt1. That is, it only followed the same lines to the length of telling people to register. The poster, Lynn Allen, was apparently too lazy to look up the appropriate links for the people stopping by. If you read my response to Rivrdog in the Part 1 comments, you’ll see how right I was there.

Even in the comments section, she admits that she has no idea how to register via her county using this wonderful internet thingy we use to blog.

I badly want to leave a snarky comment about much I rool and she drools, but what with the last leftie chick I irritated turning into a full fledged stalker a couple months back, I feel I should refrain.

But she is still either ignorant or lazy (and she probably really does drool).

Secondly, I reminisced about not being able to vote against ‘Baghdad’ Jim McDermott. I did forget, however, that there is a candidate running against him this time whom I would actually like to vote FOR.

His name is Steve Beren and I have written about him before after he was kind enough to stop by and leave a comment. His official website is BerenforCongress.

While his website has an “About Steve” section, this column in last week’s Seattle Times tells a much more detailed story about Beren’s journey from being activist in the Socialist Workers Party to his present love for America and the opportunity it truly stands for.

While I have recently relinquished my opportunity to vote for Mr. Beren, I would urge any and all of the folks who stop by here and either can vote for him or know folks who can, to do so forthwith on their trip to the polls.

Primary: September 19th

General election: November 7th

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3 Responses to Getting out the Vote: Silent Reprise

  1. Kyle says:

    Ain’t that the truth. I know more than a few flaming socialists who are unregistered and never get around to it. Thank God.

  2. Gerry N. says:

    See now, if you were a liberal dimocrat you could vote for whomever you wanted, in as many precincts, counties and states as you wanted and as many times as you wanted.

  3. Rivrdog says:

    GerryN has it right. Here in our Oregon, we have no-poll voting: everyone votes by mail. No one may stand as a poll watcher and challenge voters. The State spends almost zero money back-checking the results, and the Counties, who are responsible for the voter rolls, ALWAYS have some better thing to do with their money. The result is that the only check that is done on a mail-in ballot (all of the ballots, again) is signature verification.

    If you’ve fraudulently registered (i.e. if you are a Mexican who was MANDATORILY given a registration form at the DMV when you presented your Matricula Consular proving that you are a Mexican), but you are the actual person who DID register, your vote will never be challenged.

    It will be interesting when the Real ID act kicks in next year, since Oregon is one of the states that has given out so many Driver Licences to foreigners and doesn’t meet the requirements of the national Act. Since voter identification is a requirement, and since the general and primary elections have Federal candidates running in them (which makes the Act kick in), by rights, the state will have to re-identify (re-register) every voter, or scrap the mail vote.

    They have no other options, or any election result is automatically challengeable. All the challenger would have to do is show ONE improperly-registered foreigner on the rolls (and there are hundreds, if not thousands of them), and the court would have to have each vote verified by hand inspection.

    Unless the uber-liberal Ninth Circuit scraps the Real ID Act entirely, after next year, no one will be able to cash a check, board an aircraft or register to vote if they identify themselves with an Oregon Driver License or Oregon Identification Card.

    Since voter rolls are supposed to be constantly checked for accuracy (in Oregon, they only pay lip service to this requirement) and currency, one would expect that the court would rule that the Real ID Act DOES apply to the voter rolls, as there is supposed to be a process in place for constant verification which would take the new Federal rules for obtaining valid ID.

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