Creepin’ me out

Volkswagon has a new radio ad campaign that you may or may not have heard. It focuses on buyers of used (or in dealerspeak “Certified Pre-Owned”) VWs calling the previous owners on the phone to rave about the car.

I don’t know what the internal name is for this campaign, but one of the pitch lines is: “Come see some very pre-loved cars at your local Volkswagon dealer.”

The creepiest part though, is the line that is always the closer: “Visit your local Volkswagon dealer to feel the Pre-Love.”

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to feel any kind of love at a car dealership unless it is from the pretty girl working at the cashier desk. Perhaps it comes from having worked at more than a couple of them. Maybe it is just me, but this ad campaign just oozes “paedophile in an ice cream truck”.

Nevermind their pushing of the “Certified Pre-Owned” scam, this campaign means I won’t be checking out the new Rabbits until it’s over for a while.

Btw, I’m looking really hard at the Yaris 3-Door. Not picking one up anytime soon, but that doesn’t stop me from taking a courtesy drive shortly after they come off the truck (thankee Dean).

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3 Responses to Creepin’ me out

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Haven’t seen that series, but the one with the distracted drivers having crashes is equally bizarre.

    The ads seem to legitimize distracted driving, telling you it’s OK, because you have a super-safe VW around you.

    Now, if everyone was REQUIRED to drive a car that would be guaranteed to kill them if they got into a crash over 5 mph, I’ll wager that US drivers would clean up their act in a hurry, and there would be ZERO unnecessary trips.

  2. mech says:

    Their ‘Un-Pimp the Auto’ series was by far the best.

    Let me hear you say “huh?” And then the guy’s character on breakout just isn’t the same.

  3. Steve says:

    Pre-love just sounds creepy. I think it would be funnier in the context of “I hope I get some pre-lovin from the wife tonight”.

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