Because they respect the voters

The looney leftists don’t want to give them a choice

Seriously, it’s time for the Green party to get the hell out of here and stop throwing elections to the Republicans.

John in DC at AmericaBlog

Or a even a vote to some. This is a suggestion that because older voters tend to vote to the right, there should be an age cap on voting rights, to equal out the cap on pre-18 year old voters.

Are you not mentally qualified to vote at age 17? Is there a magic button that you press when you become 18 that somehow enables you to sensibly take part in our nation’s political decision making process?

I say no.

I think the National Youth Rights Association make their case well enough.

I think that people much younger than 18 should be able to vote and take part.

So why don’t we do the same thing for the elderly? Why don’t we take the average age of death by the most recent stats, and subtract 17? Why don’t we set that as the “Maximum Voting Age?”

Really, in many more cases than with children interested in politics, an adult becomes senile or quite mentally disabled within the last 15 years of their lives. But they still vote… and how do they vote? Sometimes they’re told how to vote, and sometimes they choose. But I don’t see why this tyrrany of the elderly has to go on any longer than it has.

And I don’t want to hear any “ageist” nonesense. This is just an observation I had from my own grandparents and relatives conditions in the last 10 years of their lives. I’d very much rather have 12 year olds voting… 100% I’m sure of that.

I think if we’re going to be so weird about the voting age limit for the young, then we need to make the system equal and fair.

We need an age cap on voting.

This person believes that a declared age of majority is “weird”.

No doubt, they believe the necessity of citizenship is ‘truly strange’.

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4 Responses to Because they respect the voters

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Let’s not be polite about it, OK? What this asshole wants is everything his way, or the highway. There’s nothing Constitutional in what he says.

    He’s a terrorist.

    He needs to be at Gitmo.

    He’s on the list.

  2. If they didn’t let AARP members vote, who would the Left terrify into voting for them by saying “The Republicans want to take away your Social Security and Medicare?”

    Heck, if you take away the oldster vote, there’s pretty much no obstacle to doing something to fix, or better yet remove, those two giant money sucks. Go for it.

    Personally, I think Heilein might have hit on the right solution in Starship Troopers: voluntary national service as a requirement to vote, and the .gov gets to choose how you serve. If you like, you could have a state-only component, which would only let you vote in state/local elections.

    Oh, and .gov employees can’t vote. Period.

    Of course, military folks tend to be more conservative/libertarian, so the Left would never go for it.

  3. Chris says:

    What an imbecile.

  4. Morenuancedthanyou says:

    I’d go for a 20-minute multiple-choice test in English (did I need to say that?), administered just before voting, on constitutional questions, on history and on background knowledge about the issues addressed by whatever referandums were up for a vote.
    Fat chance.

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