Stay Away

First, it was “World Diplomacy – Get as many people as possible involved and talk it out.”

Next came “We should use direct talks.”

Now, we have “Don’t get involved. Ignore it, and it will go away.”

For those paying attention, you know the first two situations as the loony left’s idea how THEY would handle things in regards to Iraq and North Korea, respectively.

The reasons for these are two fold: 1. It is exactly the opposite of what they perceive the Bush Adminstration doing, and 2. The left will deliberate to the point of inaction anything that will does nto further their socialist agenda, no matter the body count or the future consequences.

The third example is a quick boiling down of the stances from two of Progressivdoms leading bloggers about the fight Israel is currently in, as stated by both Markos Zuniga (aka: Grand Poobah of the Klueless Kos Kiddie Farm and Petting Zoo) as well as Kevin Drum (aka: Calpundit).

In fact, the number one reason that Drum uses as to why the left isde of the blogosphere doesn’t like to post anything about Israel is because the comments turn all out of control, but if last week was any indication, the only people who getout of control in the comment threads of the large left-wing sites are the anti-semites on the left. And we all know they don’t like letting that out in the public.

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