Dropped on her head?

I think that would be the only explanation as to why Barely Governor Gregoire decided to send a bill for $50 Million to US AG Gonzales to pay for the housing of illegal immigrant felons in the Washington State Prison system.

I can only reason that is as such because less than three months ago, Mexican President Fox took a tour of the state and spent a good part of the day with Barely Governor Gregoire and she had ample opportunity at that time to make serve him the bill.

And also yes, I know that the fed already just gives money to the states to partially cover the cost of jailing these felons, but I think that if Gregoire would do the right thing and make the local townships cooperate with the federal immigration folks, we would have fewer illegals in the state.

No more benefits from the state Dept of Social and Human Services (DSHS). No more in-state tuition discounts for illegal immigrants. No more city-wide mandates barring local police officers and deputies from asking a person’s immigration status.

And those would be just a start.

No state issued ID’s. No accepting of the Metricula Consular cards as ID. Barring illegals from opening bank accounts or getting loans in the state would be a good next step.

But because Barely Governor Gregoire was dropped on her head in the delivery room or shortly there after, she sees this as a way to bash the feds (who do deserve some bashing, just not from the likes of her), while ignoring the solutions she can and does control.

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One Response to Dropped on her head?

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Does WA require US citizenship for issuance of a WA Driver License? If so, the Federal Real ID Act is going to jump up and bite her barely-elected ass just like it is going to bite the OR gobernador’s butt.

    Oregon is one of the states where Mexicans can and do get driver’s licenses, and because of it, no Oregon Driver License (ODL) may be used as commercial or official ID after the law goes into effect next summer.

    Now, the OR legislature could fix this issue when it meets next January, by requiring all ODL holders to prove their citizenship, but I’m betting that they won’t, and the new law will kick OR’s butt. It has penalties of removal of Federal $$$ for non compliance.

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