Calling All Stupids

The Dems know that Gun Control issues are killing them, but they can’t gather up the intestinal fortitude to shake off groups like the Brady Bunch and VPC.

Hell, even the nitwits at Kos’ Kiddie Fun Farm can see that the Dems need to do that.

Take a looksee here. The diary itself is laughable “As we all know, the NRA has always had a phobia that the government would take away their guns.  Well, there have been many reports–I don’t know how believable–that the Federal Government initiated gun confiscation of law-abiding citizens in New Orleans as part of the attempt to restore law and order in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.”

He doesn’t know how believable the reports are? Maybe he should have spent some time on the sane side of the sphere and watched a few of the videos that came out around then, instead of pounding his meat at the dKos harping to the ‘Bush Hates Black People’ Beat.

But if you have a moment, run through the comments. It may surprise you that there are some knowledgable gun owners on Planet Kos, though they’re not smart enough to know what danger they’re flirting with, wanting to elect the likes of Gore and Kerry.

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3 Responses to Calling All Stupids

  1. DFWMTX says:

    In New Orleans it was the local government that initiated the gun confiscation. And IIRC, that local government official who initiated it was a Democrat.

    Like all those who say “Democrats taking away your guns is nonsense”, they need to remember just whom actually has taken guns away from the people. Feinstein, Boxer, Schumer, all gun-grabbers and all Democrats.

  2. Rivrdog says:

    Welcome back, sir.

    I know a few (D) R2KBA types. All straight shooters both ways, most were blue-collar union men and women during their recent working lives.

    One, in particular, is a magnum rifle expert, and if I get back into long-range shooting, his help will be invaluable.

    We try not to discuss politics while at his house or if he’s at mine, so I don’t know his views on everything, but I do know that he’s very worried about his party’s stance on gun-grabbing.

    I think that this is an issue with which a certain number of the more conservative union guys can be pried away from the (D)onks, and it’s a polite conversation-starter that is “Bush-neutral” to get a dialog going when you’re in the conversion mood.

    Which brings me to the puzzler of the day: since the (D)onks have tied most of their small-donation income, and a huge part of their rhetoric to Bush-hating, what are they going to do to fill those vacuums in 2008 when Bush won’t be running again?

    That’s the real folly of Bush-hating, ya know, it has an expiration date on it.

  3. Kyle says:

    I’m not surprised at all.

    A huge percentage of the older gun nuts I know are torn on this issue– they’re union guys or grew up supporting the Democrats and are appalled at what the party has become.

    Here’s the rub, though– nobody will buy a supposed pro-gun shift in the Democratic party.

    Let’s face it. The problems with the Republican party dovetail with the problems with the Democratic party. My issues with the Republican party, the things that piss me off, are things that Democrats love. Look at the “centrist” crap that Bush has done. All it did was piss off his base, and gained him no support from the left.

    This is just partisanship with no ideals. Only a complete fool would buy a remade “we love the Constitution” platform of the Democratic party. They just want to get our votes.

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