Tell Me

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear of an organization called “Reclaim Democracy”.

If you said ‘leftist front group’ or ‘socialists’, you guessed correctly.

For everyone else, read the blockquote and/or follow this link:

 Grading corporations on living wages, union rights and the amount of money they give back to the community would put the city on shaky legal ground if challenged in court.

Those details are part of a 37-page summary (Olympia) city officials released Wednesday to explain why they abandoned a proposed “Community Values Ordinance.”

The law would have based a corporation’s ability to operate on social and moral criteria. It had the potential to be far-reaching, affecting everything from Wal-Mart and McDonald’s to Dairy Queen and Old Navy.


Under the proposed “Community Values Ordinance” pitched by a local group last summer, a report card would have been used to grade businesses on whether they discriminate against employees, pay a living wage, pay overtime, let workers unionize and create a “town square” where people could assemble and exercise free speech.

Businesses scoring below 50 percent would have had to shut down within two months. Those scoring between 50 percent and 89 percent would be put on probation to raise their score or face closure.

The proposal targeted national and multinational chains, not regional chains or mom-and-pop stores, proponents said.


The local group that authored and pitched the proposed law – the South Sound Chapter of Reclaim Democracy, which opposes bad corporate behavior – could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

That the Olympia City Council even thought to try and make this happen shows you just what kind of moonbattery passes for normal in that town.

As for ‘Reclaim Democracy’, here is their website. While they have a decent eye for not sounding too overtly socialist, without even scratching the surface too deeply, you can see that they place Wal-Mart at the front of everything that is wrong with America.

One of their main tenets is to “reverse the precedent of equating political spending with Constitutionally-protected free speech”. In fact, it is their number two from a list of three.

When a city council lets groups like this suggest ways to make law, you can almost get your head around why they delcared themselves a ‘Nuclear Free Zone’ a couple years back, which caused them to refuse port accomodations to the nuclear powered submarine, USS Olympia not too long ago.

But they support the troops!

I guess that we can just chalk this up as another in a long list of stupid liberal acts from the City of Olympia. I just wish their act was entertaining.

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One Response to Tell Me

  1. Yatalli says:

    Exactly what is “a living wage”? I hear the term tossed about but can’t quite get my closed conservative mind around the concept.

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