I’ve Heard of ‘Revisionist History’

But this is just ignoring history.

The Arctic was once a lot like Miami, study says

Scientists have found something about the North Pole that could send a shiver down Santa’s spine: It used to be downright balmy.

In fact, the Arctic was a lot like Miami 55 million years ago, with an average temperature of 74 degrees, alligator ancestors and palm trees, scientists say.

That conclusion, based on first-of-their-kind core samples extracted from more than 1,000 feet below the Arctic Ocean floor, is contained in three studies published in today’s issue of the journal Nature.

Scientists say the findings are both a glimpse backward at a region heated by naturally produced greenhouse gases run amok and a sneak peek at what man-made global warming could do someday.

Mother Nature made it happen all by her lonesome before, but this time it has to be our fault?

I swear, this type of thinking has to be some sort of mental disease on the ego to make these people feel we’re so significant?

Staying on the same subject, the psychic-trust at the UW take a wild guess

An even grayer Seattle from global warming?

For those harboring the guilty hope that global warming will transform Seattle into a sun lovers’ paradise on par with the Côte d’Azur, meteorologist Cliff Mass has some bad news: It might actually get cloudier.

Mass and his colleagues at the University of Washington recently completed the most detailed computer simulation ever conducted of the region’s future weather. Among the surprises was a big boost in cloud cover in March, April and May.

“The spring is going to be gunkier — if you believe this — under global warming,” he said.

They took unfounded data and came up with an even more unknowing guestimate to scare people with.

No Cliff, I don’t believe this. Why don’t you and the brainiacs try and figure out what CO and CO2 do once they hit the atmosphere for me, before you start spinning the ‘Chicken Little’ wheel again. It doesn’t stay there, so where does it go?

Mmm-kay? Thanks.

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2 Responses to I’ve Heard of ‘Revisionist History’

  1. David says:

    Huh. I thought you guys were enjoying generally warmer, clearer-skied weather over the past few years? The kind you want to keep secret from we Californians so we don’t move up there?

  2. Eric Sivula says:

    Another reason that the enviro weenies don’t want that Artic report getting out is economic. If the area was subtropical or tropical for millions of years, then it had plenty of time to accumulate organic material to compress into oil.

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