We Call Leftists “Criminal Enablers” For A Reason

Only ‘best residents’ to be allowed back in St. Thomas complex

U.S. Housing Secretary Alphonso Jackson shed little light Monday on the future of public housing in hurricane-battered New Orleans, but said that “only the best residents” of the former St. Thomas housing complex should be allowed into the new mixed-income development that replaced it.

“Some of the people shouldn’t return,” Jackson said. “The (public housing) developments were gang-ridden by some of the most notorious gangs in this country. People hid and took care of those persons because they took care of them. Only the best residents should return. Those who paid rent on time, those who held a job and those who worked.”

Sounds logical, right?

If certain people were never on time with their rent and/or refused to hold continuous employment, threatened their neighbors, sold drugs or otherwise made trouble for the neighborhood, why should they be let back into this public housing project at tax payer expense?

But this is more ‘anti-poor bias’ from the Bush Administration, according to SusanG, upper eschalon Klueless Kos Kid.

She seems to think that any and all who were in the system before should just be allowed to mosey right back on into these taxpayer funded individual shelters. She says that the gangs on the housing projects are a “law enforcement matter, not one for public housing“.

Maybe she should tell that to the good, hard working people who lived in the St. Thomas complex and were afraid to go out after dark or who had their vehicles broken into or their TV stolen. I think she may have forgotten how corrupt the law enforcers in NOLA we’re before, during and after Katrina, which is probably how the gangs thrived in the project in the first place.

But what can I say, she’s a ‘progressive’. I guess keeping the gangs out of the projects would be putting them out of ’employment’ and keep them from earning their ‘regular income’.

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2 Responses to We Call Leftists “Criminal Enablers” For A Reason

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Perhaps the Klu-Less Kos Krowd should do a little research.

    Bushies didn’t invent those policies, they were actually invented on a GOP watch by the LEAA, who offered grants to local cops to form “Safety Action Committees” (mini-precincts) in the larger projects, after a request by the Feds. These little police groups would work exclusively within the complexes, get to know the families and especially the assholes therin.

    Some of the safety action committees were run properly, and evicted the worst of the hoodlums, and generally improved the lot of those living there.

    In Portland, we had two of them, at the Columbia Villa project and later at the Brentwood-Darlington complex.
    The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office started both of them, and eventually turned them over to the Liberal-run Portland Police Bureau, which eventually disbanded both of the teams.

    The Safety Action Teams had the beneficial effect of revitalizing skanky areas and attracting real estate investment capital, and the City reaped the benefits by means of greater real estate values leading to bigger tax collections (trickle-down economics, Kos-ers).

    Both worked as advertised and removed gang presence from the subsidized housing.

    The idea started in 1989, on Bush, Sr’s watch, but was actually funded by the Clinton administration.

    So, Kos Kool-Aid Kwaffers, bite me, you are 180 out on this one. BTW, just look up “Safety Action Team” in Google. The reports are there, most written by Liberal City officials.

  2. Can someone please enlighten me as to which section of the Constitution grants the .fedgov the authority to run public housing?

    Uncle Sam should just sell of of it, and let the new owners decide who gets to live there.

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