Politics at work

So I’m completing my daily tasks at work and the truckband radio comes on, being keyed up by one of the drivers. The noise coming out of the speaker is that of the top of the hour Fox radio news.

It contains a soundbite from one of the pro-illegal immigration marches yesterday. The person speaking in the soundbite is making a speech at one of the rallies (I don’t know which one) and he is saying “We do your landscaping. We build your homes. We care for your children.”

The driver, and I know who this guy is, says “We steal your cars. We rob your stores”

Good party line voting, union supporting Democrat, ain’t he? If you knew him, that’s what you’d say. Of course, if a Democrat heard him say that, they’d accuse him of being a Republican.

Not wanting miss out on the action, a non-union supporting, a libertarian/Republican driver key’s up his mic and blares the next section of the news report on how close April 15th, Buy a Gun Day, oops, I mean the Tax Return Filing Deadline, is. The voice on the radio is some tax guy talking about how this year, all of the money you earned in something like the first four months plus the first twelve days of the fifth month equals how much of your income, on average, goes to the government before you get to keep any to use for housing, food or transportation.

The libertarian driver makes a verbal note about how Washington State is actually higher than the average and that states run by Republicans average lower. He adds “Ain’t government great!?!” at the end.

So myself, being the jovial guy I am, mic up and add that if you forget to pay the government, they will come to your house and show you all of the great firearms they used your tax dollars to buy.

I closed with this “Oh, and you are not allowed to own firearms like the ones the government has, because the government says that you’re not smart enough to use them wisely. So keep voting Democrat, because they they know what is good for you”

While the drivers do vote solidly down the (D) column, mostly because the union spends big bucks to advertise for the (D) politicians and against the (R) and (L) candidates, I don’t know a single gun bigot among the lot of them. In fact, a number of them beg for my used Shotgun News magazines when I’m done with them.

Yeah, I’m being trivial, but it was fun and it kept the radio quiet until I left.

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3 Responses to Politics at work

  1. You forget to add, “We smuggle your drugs” to the list.

    One of the things all these politicos whining about the ‘meth epidemic’ fail to mention, while they’re busy restricting our access to cold medicine, is that most of the meth sold on the streets is made in huge labs in Mexico and smuggled in, along with pot, cocaine, and people.

  2. Analog Kid says:

    I’ll make sure to remind him of that tomorrow morning, HL.

  3. John Dunshee says:

    Hey Kid, check out the flyer from a pro-immigration rally in Dallas, Tx

    Just Some Poor Schmuck: Courting The Illegal Vote?

    Sorry I haven’t been around for a while.

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