How could I have guessed?

About a month ago I posted about Medicare paying for sex change operations here in Washington State.

Then, in this post, I hypothosized about how it was some depressed dude who hated his penis and got some doctor to approve the whacking of his tallly and got the government to pay for it.

Well, other than it being a woman hating not having a penis, I was right.

For more than two decades, Andy had collected monthly disability checks and food stamps. Taxpayers picked up his medical bills, too, including the cost of more than half a dozen stays in mental hospitals.

But Andy has a job now and says his life is finally under control. He says he received his last disability check this month.

What’s changed?

Andy used to be Ava. A woman. Tormented since childhood with what doctors later diagnosed as gender-identity disorder, Andy six years ago won a legal settlement that required the state to pay for him to undergo a sex change.

In all, Medicaid paid about $84,000 over three years for nearly 20 surgeries to complete Ava’s conversion to Andy.

“I’m finally being allowed to live my life and contribute to society,” said Andy, who is approaching 50, “instead of having to hole up in a corner someplace and eat drugs and be taken care of all my life.”

Dude (can I now call this person ‘dude’?), you’re 50 and it is not even real. What the hell are you going to use the damn thing for? Take the hormones and go buy a strap-on for $20 and leave my tax dollars the hell out of it!

You know what, I’m depressed that I can’t afford a Dodge Viper. Everyday when I go out to my driveway and I don’t see it, a black one with the chrome wheel package, I get all in a funk and I could probably use some meds.

They spent $84K to give a 50 year old woman a non-functioning pecker. I’ll take $70K for a running Viper and you’ll never hear from me again!

After you’re done slapping the shit out of the next Democrat who tells you people don’t feel entitled to anything from the government after getting free services from them for years, bring this story up.

This entry was posted in Color me confused, Freaks, Mutants, and Morons, The Left is Never Right. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to How could I have guessed?

  1. mech says:

    Don’t they still do electroshock therapy?
    Could have saved taxpayers a couple hundred thousand bucks.

  2. DFWMTX says:

    As my Sufi teacher once said, “Only God can make a woman”; gender-reassignment surgery makes a eunuch. If taxpayers really had to foot a mental health bill for this…person, then it would’ve been better for the doctors to get this person to accept whom they are…or in this case, were. Instead, we have plastic surgeons saying “give us a few thousand bucks and we’ll make you into who you want to be instead of who you are”. Ugh!

  3. Analog Kid says:

    I think you’ve gotten it exactly, DFWMTX.

  4. bryan says:

    I am currently working west of Seattle and saw that article on the front page of the paper that was delivered to the hot L door. Not that I read that paper. My work boots needed a place that they could sleep, stink and loose the mud that they acquired. But I digress. This is my 4th or 5th trip to the greater Seattle area this year and I am struck by the smuggness of your resident liberal community. Between the righteous bicyclers who proudly proclaim that by riding a bicycle they are doing their part to eliminate “big oil” and the “Regime Change Begins at Home” crowd, I saw a bumper siticker which said “George Bush: Saving your ass whether you like it or not”. Brave soul, that lady and I thank her.

    I remember reading an entry by you, I think, that involved the Shotgun News and a ferry. I don’t remember the details, but I did buy a copy just for the ferry rides.

    thank you for taking the time to write this blog. I appreciate it very much.

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