Bring it on

So there were some protests over the future of our nations immigration security and the rampant problem with illegal immigration. Of course, the left framed the discussion as one of race and called out every person whose skin color is darker than pink to call anyone in support of punishing those who illegally and criminally enter the country and/or building a physical barrier to slow down the inbound flow of illegal immigrants via Mexico a racist, all the while having no actual plan of their own to end the problem other than to do nothing and freely hand out blanket amnesty.

In DC, Senate Minority Leader, Harry Reid, made promises to filibuster anything that came across the Senate floor that isn’t as limp as a wet noodle on the issues.

To which I have to say: Bring It On!

Illegal immigration is a subject so volitile that neither of the two major political parties, especially the Republicans, will poll their party members on it because the centrist party members, the majority of the respective parties, would demand action on it.

So now when the House Repubs once again found their balls in preparation for mid-term elections and think to do something, and the Senate Repubs see the positive reactions of their constituencies and decide that maybe doing what the people want would be “A Good Thing“, the leader of Senate Democrats decides that obstructing the process in order to please the fringes of their party is his best plan.

The majority of the people are not be pleased with Bush and the Dems could have ridden that to mid-term gains, but they have decided to ignore middle America in favor of a very vocal and very socialist fringe. I’d call it a pity, but their minority status in government is what is good for America.

And no, they won’t learn from their failure in Illinois last week.

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2 Responses to Bring it on

  1. Rivrdog says:

    OK, blogstorm time again: We all need to post on the Left’s goading all the Mexicans out into the streets, especially in Shakey-town, where there are reliable reports that a half-million demonstrated, many waving not American Flags, but Mexican flags. This little exercise, no doubt put on by MECHA, should adequately serve to scare the pants off of most citizens, if properly framed.

    The framing is simple, using this line of reasoning:

    1. A half-million Latinos in the street, many, if not most, illegals.

    2. Said Latinos mostly come from a nation where social change is usually attempted or achieved by armed struggle.

    3. There is evidence that at least two groups among the Latinos would engage in such armed struggle. Those groups are MECHA and a network composed of heavily-armed criminal gangs such as M-13 or SurCA.

    4. The best way to prevent such armed struggle is to deport all deportable illegal aliens to Mexico and reinforce the border so that they can’t come back. The legal aliens aren’t the problem. They are here to work or study, and are doing so to the best of their ability. We don’t need to fear them, they advocate for themselves, not for Mexico absorbing the US.

    5. Americans are not dumb. When this issue is presented to them as a massive fifth-column action by Latino wannabe-revolutionaries, THEY WILL GET THE MESSAGE.

    MECHA just shot themselves in the foot with this, badly. The question for us on the Right is do we let them limp off and lick their wounds in the dark, or do we hold this effort up for what it really is: a dire warning of a major future security issue?

  2. Raging Dave says:

    I was thinking about that as well. You have huge amounts of people who supposedly want to come here and work. Why in g-d’s name did we see streets filled with people waving the flag of Mexico?

    If you’re so fucking proud to be Mexican, get your fence-jumping ass back to Mexico! Otherwise, learn English and come into this country legally!

    I think that we should encourage the Dimocrats to fillibuster any measure to protect the borders and ship illegals back home. Let them fillibuster all the way to November. And then, once they’ve lost even more seats, ram the bill down their throat.

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