Porcine Aviation Watch

You may have already seen this, but if you haven’t head on over to Rox Populi, where Roxanne has asked,

“I know you’re out there, reading this blog. Never commenting because you don’t want to incur the wrath. I can’t say that I blame you.

But, please consider de-lurking today to let some good folks know how the Democratic Party can get your vote.�

I found it via Say Uncle, who gave an excellent answer that includes the first few steps the Dems could take to try and pry my precious vote from my fingers. Unfortunately for them, they don’t even really see my vote as precious and never will, which is another reason why they’ll get it when pigs fly.

The first dozen or so answers are excellent, then we get the first whining lefty who declares all of the previous commenters to be ‘non-moderates’. It goes on for another dozen or so of good, solid items the Dems could do to earn the votes of potential swing voters when another delusional ‘member of the reality based community’ stops by and pisses in the corn flakes by declaring it impossible for anyone who reads blogs to be a moderate or a swing voter.

You know that feeling you get when a family friend or family member you like screws up royally over and over again, that knot in the stomach that says ‘What can I do to help them’ even though you know there is nothing you can do but watch them slide into an ever deeper pile of crap; well that is how I’m feel about the current administration.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud I voted for Bush instead of JOhn KErry or the nutjob that was the Libertarian Presidential platform, but I knew it was a ‘lesser of two evils’ vote before I cast it.

I do not foresee the Dems pulling a candidate out of their hat from any of their current crop of available peanut gallery members that I would vote for, but I don’t know of a Republican that I’d vote for in 2008 at this time either. Granted, Clinton seemed to come out of nowhere in 92 and I barely knew anything about Bush before 2000, but you’d think that with a lame duck in office and Cheney already saying he won’t run, the Repubs would start farming out a few possible candidates by now.

But I’m straying from my point: You may have noticed a dearth of political commentary on the pages of RNS in recent weeks (probably months). That is because of my apathy due to a number the current administration’s and Congress’ actions or lack of them. I find it hard to get up the gumption to defend someone or a group of someones on an issue I don’t support or really even care about just because of a party brand.

I’m a full on supporter of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, although I would like less pussyfooting around and more dead terrorists. It is great to have a President that doesn’t treat the murder and assault of our armed forces and our citizens as a crime. I am also happy at the tax cuts that I and 10 million of the working poor received. But other than those, I’m having to grasp at straws for other reasons to be happy with this administration and this Congress.

They slacked on the drilling in ANWR and they’re not cutting the pork that is the base of what constitutes a ‘fiscal conservative’. They are staying so far away from the immigration issue that they didn’t even include a single question on the topic in their own party poll questionnaire.

They aren’t pushing any pro-gun ownership legislation now, nor have they really done so during their time in power. Sure, the sunsetting of the AWB was great, but we were all on pins and needles for a while waiting for it to happen.

And those are my main voting topics: Dead terrorsits, lower taxes, cheap gas, no illegal immigrants and more guns in my safe.

Or should that be: dead taxes, cheap guns, lower illegal immigrants (only midgets?), no terrorists and more gas?

Anyway, I don’t really give a squirt of piss about abortion, gay marriage, drug abuse, internet porn or any of the other ‘Repub’ talking points that I can think of off the top of my head.

I am the moderate that Roxanne is looking for to see what it would take to get me to vote Democrat. I think I’m pretty average in that respect, from talking to the Teamsters I work with and the people I know and talk to outside of the blogosphere. She has the answers sitting in her comments section that she can cut and paste and send to the DNC and all they have to do is listen and act and the vote of this upstanding citizen with no party affiliation would be theirs.

What is so hard about that?

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4 Responses to Porcine Aviation Watch

  1. MikeG says:

    The question should be more along the lines of what would the dem’s have to do to get me to vote for them instead of a RINO republican. If the candidate was a follower of the basic Republican core tenets, it’s a no brainer who to vote for.

    As an answer to how the D’s should change their position to get my interest, a good start would to go listen to Zell Miller……

  2. Rivrdog says:

    A solution in two words: Zell Miller

  3. AnalogKid says:

    Oooh, good answer guys. Keeping it simple and easy for the Dems to understand.

    Too bad they hate Zell and Joementum with the passion of 1000 pissed off porcupines.

  4. DirtCrashr says:

    Yeh unfortunately the Communists who’ve taken over the Democrat party uphold the false gods of extreme environmentalism and Mao’s rule of political power, so they won’t support the 2nd Amendment and have a record of seeking to dismantle the country from within. Give War a Chance.

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