Outrageous Friday

Kind of like Freaky FrIday, but more silly!

Somewhat like Opposite Day but goofier!

Chock full of things that’ll possibly make you do a double take!

So let us take a walk down Carnie Row, shall we, and see the things that should not be!

How about the chastising of a student for not singing the anthem of a foreign country during a high school assembly with mandatory attendance!

ELGIN, IL — A Larkin High School parent says he wants to see more sensitivity and broad-based policies concerning cultural assemblies after a school assembly last month observing Mexico’s independence day.

Parent Robert Bedard said his son, a senior who already has signed up with the U.S. military, felt uncomfortable with the assembly, which the school required him to attend. Bedard said that when his son expressed his opposition to singing Mexico’s national anthem at the assembly, he was called a “punk” by a school employee.

The boy had better get used to singing that anthem, if MeCHa has anything to do about it!


Or how about a judge ruling that a zoning ordinance dealing with aesthetics is more important that a citizen’s right to make his thoughts known to the public!

LEWISTON, Idaho — A business owner can keep his anti-United Nations sign on the side of a building on the city’s Main Street but it must be made smaller, a 2nd District Court judge has ruled.

Judge Jeff M. Brudie agreed with the city of Lewiston on Monday that building owner Clifford W. Wasem’s sign failed to conform to city code. Regulating the size of signs doesn’t infringe on a person’s right to free speech or take away a property right, Brudie ruled.

Because paying to have 25% of a wall that you own painted to express your thoughts on a given subject is ‘blight’!

Tis a pity I didn’t know about this when I was driving through this town on my way to Boomershoot earlier this year. I’d have grabbed a picture. Let’s hope it stays up while the man appeals his case.


Speaking of things plastered on buildings, how about a three Vietnam tour 101st Airborne Veteran having his home continuously vandalized,

SHORELINE – Ken Potts calls himself a patriot. That’s what his front yard tells you too.

Metal American flags are staked in the ivy beside the driveway. A red, white, and blue pinwheel spins near the front sidewalk. One flagpole flies the American flag. A second flagpole carries the banner of the Army’s 101st Airborne.

Even his mailbox on North 185th Street in Shoreline sports the image of the Airborne’s screaming eagle.

But he says that in the last year the mailbox has been blown up twice with fireworks. The house has been egged. Paint has been thrown on the house too. The flags have been torn down and ripped up more than once.

And the 101st Airborne flag has had the word “murder” and a swastika written on it with a permanent marker.

It’s really difficult for me to see something like this and not feel sad,” Potts told us of the vandalism that started around election day last year. Especially, he says, since the 101st led the charge in World War II to defeat Nazi Germany.

But the biggest insult to this house with a permanent Bush-Cheney placard attached to the second story and a collection of mostly Republican election signs in the side yard, is the spray paint someone left on his vinyl siding this past weekend.

In two-foot tall letters on the side of his house facing Meridian someone painted “Bush Nazis.”

Real tolerant bunch we have here in Seattle, ain’t it?

Thankfully, Mr. Potts isn’t taking it too personally and can even have a sense of humor about it,

But to fight back he always puts new flags back on those front yard flagpoles.

He installed a security camera that keeps watch over his front yard. And for his own political jab he put an electronic readerboard in a front window. 24 hours a day it says: “Liberalism – is a mental disorder.”

You’re damned right it is, Mr. Potts.

No, there haven’t been any arrests or convictions in any of these cases. Seattle (and it’s immediate suburbs like Shoreline) are “File a Report for Insuranceâ€? only types of towns.


Not quite an outrage, but big enough freaks that they belong on Carnie Row, the UN’s International Criminal Court has issued their first round of arrest warrants,

And amazingly, they’re not against Americans!

The International Criminal Court has issued its first arrest warrants, for five members of Uganda’s notoriously cruel Lord’s Resistance Army, the top U.N. envoy for Congo said Thursday.

The International Criminal Court, the world’s first permanent war crimes tribunal, was founded in 2002 and had said for some time it was investigating the LRA, infamous for abducting more than 30,000 children, forcing them to become fighters, porters or concubines. The group has killed thousands of civilians and forced more than a million to flee their homes.

“I know they’ve issued arrest warrants for five people and these notifications went out last week,” William Lacy Swing, who is Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s special representative for Congo, told a news conference.

Aww, how ‘uniting’! Instead of sending in troops to stop the massacre, the UN acts like a janitorial crew to come in and survey the mess afterwards.

Now we’ll have to wait and see if they form a brand spanking new division to actually enforce the warrants or if they’ll be just like the resolutions against Iraq, left on a shelf to “get around to when we’re not busy screwing with the USâ€?.


And finally we have this,


If you don’t know what that is, click here.

I don’t have a problem with its release, heck, I pre-ordered it. I am a little pissed that it took so damned long though.

I’m also unhappy as it looks as if I’ll be disappointed by the live action movie (link to trailer here, found at BlackFive)

Mostly because I dona lyke Theron!

Christina Ricci, with her new, more angular features, love of the original show and willingness to wear the true to form Aeon outfits would have been a much better choice.

But that’s just Hollyweird letting me down once again.

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