State of Emergency

For a hands-on view of the recovery from Katrina, you should stop by Nukevet Neal’s place, Life in the Atomic Age.

He is in Baton Rouge and his school is helping in the recovery as best they can,

We just got an update about the role of the LSU school of Veterinary medicine in the relief and rescue efforts. There are thousands of abandoned animals to be cared for, and the AG center on campus has been turned into a triage center, and the vet school will serve as an emergency service to provide ICU, surgery, and critical care services as necessary. This was all pretty standard emergency preparedness fare, and we were glad to see that the animals of New Orleans were being cared for as best as we are able. Of course, they still have to be transported from New Orleans to Baton Rouge, almost 100 miles away.

The most chilling news was that our Vet School necropsy area has been taken over by the state as a temporary morgue facility. It makes one wonder what the death toll from Katrina really is. We don’t know if this is just a preparatory move, or if the facility is actually being used at this time.

Keep an eye there for updates on the situation as he can post on it.

Good luck and steady hands, Neal.

As for me, I’m really getting pissed off at the reports of looting going on.

If I were to go down there, I’d first slap the mayor and the governor for not declaring whatever version of martial law that Louisiana state legal statutes allow when the evacuations started (started 24 hours too late, I might add to the leftists who seek to blame this all on Bush).

Then I’d go hunting humans. I want to see if human shitbags float.

If we don’t hear about human on human evils from last night on the news today, it doesn’t mean they didn’t happen. Hundreds of revenge killings, outright murder for property, rapes, etcetera, happened last night while I was at work and while the rest of the nation was asleep, all cozy in their beds.

The mayor of New Orleans told all the members of the constabulary who were working search and rescue missions to stop and get out there and bring order back. Good luck, Guv.

There are roving bands of people with ill will toward their fellow man wandering the streets, violating the curfew orders and basically going from house to house looking for something. In a large number of the individuals, if not most of them, they don’t even know what they’re looking for. But they’ll know it when they see it. Be it a TV or some other electronic device, something shiny that catches their eye or a human being of the female variety, they’ll see it, they’ll want it and they’ll try to take it by any means necessary.

When the moral fabric of society breaks down, you have only one duty: Protecting you and yours. By deception if you can. By force of arms if necessary.

And don’t think that your quiet little burg is immune to this. I know for a fact that the city full of peace and harmony next door to me, Seattle, would fare as bad, if not worse, than New Orleans, Biloxi or any of the other cities ravaged by Katrina. I see utter and total bedlam if Mount Rainier went from an inactive volcano to an active one or if we get hit by that earthquake measuring 7+ on the Richter Scale that we’re overdue for.

We have people who go looking trouble during our Mardi Gras celebrations, and commit racially motivated killings. We have anarchists who want to ‘smash the man’ every single day on a good week. We have people who will gang up and stomp the heads of Iraq War veterans in full public view. Take away the fear of ever being caught and/or prosecuted for crimes of force and you can multiply the numbers of those people by hundreds.

So here’s my tip for the week:

That money you are planning on donating to the relief effort, cut it in half. Give half of it to your disaster relief charity of choice and keep the other half until this weekend. Then go to whichever store stocks what you need to fill up your disaster supplies and spend it on yourself.

Yeah, it may sound cold, mean, heartless and cruel, but you’d be wrong. Plus, I told y’all earlier this week that I’m like that. If was going to say something CMH&C I’d say to keep it all and spend it on your supplies.

Think of it this way; if you have all of your shit together, you won’t need the money of strangers in the gulf coast area when your part of the country is hit by a natural disaster.

And before I go, I’d just like to kill one other meme that I keep hearing, even from some highly respected right wing talk show hosts.

There is no such thing as a person who is “Too Poor� to evacuate.

They got two feet and a thumb, they can evacuate. It doesn’t take $10,000 in the bank and a motor home to un-ass the area.

I actually heard a loony leftie host say that the only folks who were able to evac were the ones with $10k and an RV. Of course, this is the guy who can justify the looting of 52 inch HDTV’s the day after a hurricane.

The Superdome wasn’t two-thirds full. They didn’t start turning folks away until the water started coming in and they had to find a second location.

And that is another thing the mayor screwed up. New Orleans doesn’t have much along the lines of public transportation other than trolleys, but Shreveport has a decent supply of busses. Did they ask for help?

Not that I’ve heard, and I’m pretty sure we’d have all heard about Shreveport turning New Orleans down.

OK, I’m done. I’m looking for holes in my supplies for a weekend ‘stock-up’. You should too. “Food, water, ammunition� repeat.

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4 Responses to State of Emergency

  1. Morenuancedthanyou says:

    CMH&C? I looked in Acronym finder and, you blew them away.
    The mayor and governor did indeed screw this up big time. I am not sure how much point there is in pointing fingers (no pun intended) though. This city has been surviving 20 feet below sea level for a long time.
    The polders in the Netherlands were flooded in a big storm in 1953, after levees broke. The Dutch pumped the water back out and started using the land again. It is tempting, at a distance, to write New Orleans off as a total loss, but it won’t happen. It will be pumped out and the levees will be raised and the good times will roll again. Several tens of billions of dollars from now.
    Looking forward to the inrush of contributions from generous French citizens…
    You are right on, re preparing for local disaster.
    Dan Day

  2. CAshane says:

    My wife called me cold and heartless for suggesting similar last night. I think you hit the nail on the head here. It’s not that I don’t care about the people in this horrible situation, but at some point you have to look at them and ask, “Why have you done NOTHING to prepare for such a disaster.” I saw on the news how some people are experiencing total loss for a third time in their lives. How much is it gonna take for them to learn? I spend a considerable amount of time and money specifically to prevent being dependant on anyone in such a situation. I can’t say I am 100%, but I am constantly striving to achieve it, one small step at a time. Seeing the overwhelming need for water in LA is making me reassess my current preparedness in that department. I think I will work on rectifying that in the coming weeks.
    Thanks, good post.

  3. Nukevet says:

    Yep, things getting real ugly in New Orleans, and even some “civil disturbances” in Baton Rouge.

    We have food. We have water. We have lots of ammo. But all in all things are crazy, and the Baton Rouge infrastructure is overwhelmed with refugees. You can’t drive anywhere, stores are low on supplies, and who knows what is going to happen with gas.

    Fun times – be ready to take care of yourself, because the state of Louisiana isn’t doing a very good job of it. About 1/3 of the New Orleans police force abandoned their posts because they were outgunned and had no communications. Our Baton Rouge police have adopted a very aggressive stance towards looters – hopefully it will hold up.

  4. Kyle says:

    Agreed, AK.

    Don’t donate to the Red Cross. They suck. I have read very few good things about them and almost every vet I know hates them. Salvation Army is better by a long shot.

    r.e. Seattle, blow the bridges and contain them a little that way. I’m lucky in that where I live, there is another layer of bridges in our little valley that would further contain the rampaging hordes of Seattleite zombies. W00t.

    My wife suggested that we stock up on even MORE gear. W00t again.

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