A Correction from Yesterday

The Staff at RNS (me) would like to make a correction from yesterday’s Son of Menage a Blog post:

Bride of Menage a Blog will not be seen today due to complications in booking.

Instead, the Bride’s brother’s friend’s sister’s hairstylist’s cousin twice-removed a Blog will be seen (sorry, but it was all we could get on such short notice).

We now join our regularly scheduled post, currently in progress below the fold.

Rivrdog has fuel!

Or at least his latest preparedness post at Paratus talks about storing and transferring it.

Good subject and great ideas.

This next link shold be filed under: “Please Ravenwood! Don’t hurt ‘em!�

RW takes out some aggression on a poor misguided and mistaken soul of a hoplophobe in a fisk for the record books on the subject of the Barrett M82A1.

Mr. Slingwein: Thanks to war movies and an uncle who’s a card carrying NRA member, I have seen and fired my fair share of weaponry.

RW: Such qualifications. “I’m not a real gun enthusiast, but I’ve seen war movies on TV.”

Yeah, Slingwein’s whole op-ed has is based on pretty much that amount of technical expertise combined with every single talking point he could borrow from the Brady Bunch and VPC.

Speaking of .50 cal rifles, CNS News informs us that there was a chance of a Polar Bear hunt yesterday.

In Washington DC.

People in polar bear suits will be among those gathering in Washington on Tuesday to protest the Bush administration’s plan to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Congress is about to vote on a bill that might open the Alaskan refuge to oil drilling, and the Tuesday’s protest, organized by a coalition of environmental groups, is aimed at pressuring lawmakers to oppose the plan.

Oh, just people in bear suits!?! Good thing I didn’t book a flight.

Following up on things happening in DC, I came across this while reading the JunkYardBlog; it appears that the Congressional Repubs seem to have found one of their testicles.

Conservative strategists are drafting a letter to Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee demanding the release of hundreds of internal memos detailing contacts between the lawmakers and liberal interest groups opposing John Roberts’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

By planning to press Democrats on the sensitive subject, conservatives seem to be pulling a page from the Democrats’ own political playbook. In the weeks leading up to the confirmation hearings, Senate Democrats have repeatedly called on the White House to give them memos Roberts penned while he was deputy solicitor general in President George H.W. Bush’s administration.

I heard a rumor that the testes had rolled under a desk in the back of the room, but I doubt the rumor is true. I’m pretty sure they just tucked the boys under so that they could collectively fit into a filly pair of pink panties a couple years back.

“Oh no, he didn’t” you say?

Yes. Yes I did.

And finally, Marion County, Oregon has given a section of road to the American Nazi Party under the ‘Adopt-A-Road’ program and, of course, there is an uproar from the peanut gallery.

I can’t figure out why though. It sounds like the last best place to litter to me. Particularly, week old baby diapers when the kid has the stomach flu.

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