Say something nice about Islam

Rivrdog started a meme and hit me with it and now that I have a spare moment, I shall do exactly that and then explain what I have to say:

Islam requires its followers to be physically modest.

The vast majority of moon worshipers are a modest people. The men must have beards and wear the little hats or a turban or some type of head covering. They must also cover up their bodies to an extent that most American’s consider overly modest.

The women are required to wear clothing covering them from chin to toe. More devout female followers of Mohammed take to wearing veils and head scarves and, in extreme circumstances, they wear the full burkha.

While modesty is hardly a Muslim contstruct, being found widely in Judeo/Christian societies as well, in today’s America, it is a bit rare.

But why is this ‘Saying something nice about Islam’, you ask?

First off, modesty in the western world is becoming more and more uncommon, kind of like the gentleman taking off his hat when entering a building or in the presence of a lady. Heck, calling a woman a “Lady� is becoming rare too.

Unlike what the liberals will tell you, modesty does have its place; like at the beach.

I don’t want to see someone built like Michael Moore in a speedo or Babs Streisand at the beach in a thong, but in America you can see that everyday at just about any beach (sorry about those mental pictures. Check this weekends posts for a cure).

Muslims are smart enough to cover up their ugly and hairy men. And their ugly and hairy women for that matter.

As an attempt for extra credit, I would also like to state that I think Islam punishes their criminals well. Their idea of crime needs to be worked on though.

So there, two things about Islam that I spoke nicely about. Do I get extra credit Rivrdog?

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2 Responses to Say something nice about Islam

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Hmmmm….extra credit? Have to submit that request to the Meme Board.

    As for the answer, I like it. You’re right, modesty was once the rule in our culture, but we borrowed the European sense of modesty, which is to say, no modesty at all, and things have gone downhill ever since.

    Islam does require modesty as a mandatory behavior. That is a good thing, so you get max points.

    Now, about the punishment of criminals. Sharia law mandates certain types of punishment for certain crimes. For example, women are stoned to death (partially buried in sand leaving their heads as a target for the stoners, and the public is required to take part in their execution). Now, while some might argue that this is an unfair punishment, consider that repeat adultery is almost unknown.

    Consider the possibilities if applied here: Hollywood would cease to exist as the cultural aberration it is, and most show business magazines and the tabloids would use a lot less paper and ink. Hollywood actors and actresses would then be judged on their merit as thespians, not on who bedded who, when.

    Sorry, Ms. Abdul. You may have an Islamic name, but under Sharia, you would be dead now.

    Double credit to the Analog Kid!

  2. AnalogKid says:

    Woo-Hoo! Double credit for da Kid!

    I’ll take door #3 for the grand prize, RD.

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