Just a couple of updates

First off, the 25th Carnival of Cordite is up at Resistance is Futile! And I have not one, not two, but three links in it (mostly because I forgot to submit anything for last week, but big thanks go to Gullyborg for letting me submit them this time around).

Next up, Professor Booty says that he was not consulted for this billboard advert, but he says that it is unquestionably true.

Also, as you probably already know, today is the 60th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. If I had the time I’d write about it, but I don’t and I know that many others will do and have done a better job than I can do anyway.

If you have a moment on this day, take a look around for men who are of the age to have served in WWII and realize that one out of every ten of them might not be here today if we would have attempted a land invasion instead of dropping the bomb.

Let the historical revisionists know that too, if you get a chance.

Well, I have to take the wife to the airport and then it’ll be sleepy time for me.

Tonight, all night, gunsmithing! How cool is that? High probability of pics tomorrow.

UPDATE: I’m back. The wife is in the air. So……

Chocolate cake for breakfast!

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