Riflematch Whidbey: Asswhuppin’ Concluded

Unfortunately, I wasn’t’ the one handing out the asswhuppins

I spent Saturday practicing for the off-hand portion of this match and had fashioned myself a rather nice strap to use for support and was getting better than expected results with it. After arriving barely in time (thanks to tourist traffic on Whidbey Island) I got my bench chosen and began setting up my equipment as the organizer of the match began his opening rules and remarks.

The match broke down as such: two targets off-hand and two targets from the bench, ten rounds each, at 100yds and no time constraints for a total of 40 rounds with a total available score of 400pts.

Then I heard the dread words; “No stabilizing sticks, palm rests, slings or straps are allowed in the off-hand half of the match.�

I was back to square one with a shoulder tired from the day before and a 16lb rifle to support. Oh well. After some pitiful results (that will be spoken of in a minute) it was time for the bench portion of the match.

I set up my rest and spotting scope and looked for the lowest chair I could find as the tables were low and I’m tall. No luck on a low chair, but that didn’t matter, my day improved the second I fired the first of my next twenty shots.

Unlike every other precision rifle I’ve ever shot or been told about, Barak the Boomershoot rifle likes to get really accurate when his barrel is filthy and almost too hot to touch. The twenty off-hand rounds had warmed the barrel up nicely

As is evidenced by this target


10rnds at 100yds in 3 minutes. The target from my previous ten rounds from the bench is very similar to this one, just a bit looser..

For the bench portion I shot a 200-18X, but in the offhand portion I shot a 95 for a total of 295, which was was not good enough even with my 18x’s. I lost to LouG who shot a 344 overall and took the cash home.

Oh well, now I know what I have to do for next time. LouG and I get along pretty well as he was the guy who did my member orientation for the Central Whidbey Sportsman’s Association where the match was being held. If you go here you stand a good chance of seeing Lou shooting Barak the Boomershoot rifle at a target that may have had the image of a fat lying bastard of a human being whose last name is Moore on it.

Needless to say, LouG had a really good day. He also won the rimfire match, held right after the centerfire match, but I can’t speak of that as I’ll most likely be using the scope on my 10-22 as a target in the near future due to it’s failure during the rimfire match.

BTW, I know it has only been one day, but I still haven’t gotten my fatwa yet.

Maybe I should quit posting my targets or something?

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3 Responses to Riflematch Whidbey: Asswhuppin’ Concluded

  1. MikeG says:

    Looks like it’s shootin’ a little low and to the left to me. Better get out to the range and cure that as soon as possible!!

    (Nice shooting……….)

  2. David says:

    Holy crap! If I needed any more evidence that my skills at spotting for you at Boomershoot sucked big time, that target was it!

    Sorry, dude. I bow, I bow before thee, O great one….

  3. AnalogKid says:

    No bowing necessary, David, the rifle did all the work.

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