
I arrived early for my ‘Sensitivity’ indoctrination yesterday and found close to 100 other poor souls from various other departments and facilitieswho were in for the speil.

We all made it through without anyone breaking down and confessing to being a closet racist or a mysoginist but it wasn’t because the speaker wasn’t trying. I confessed to being a Grade-A asshole and the confession was taken down on paper and filed.

“There once was a man from Nantucket” just isn’t as popular as it used to be, I guess. Some people just can’t take a joke, not even the one where the Protestant, the Jew and the Muslim go skydiving. The two nuns in the gay bar was barely more popular, though you’d think that the guy behind the podium had a sister in the seminary what with his reaction and all.

When I told him to lighten up he did so by taking his shows off and throwing them at me. If anyone needs a pair of Size 9 Hush Puppies, I may have a source.

On the bright side, I won’t have to go through that for at least another year.

Today is do nothing day and catch up on sleep day for me. I’ll be up when the sun goes down, being a menace and writing some commentary on the legal fight for the Washignton State Governor’s chair and finishing up a addendum to the last By Ourselves, For Ourselves post since I realized I forgot a couple things.

Have a good Sunday all. Enjoy the Professors lesson for this weekend and we’ll see you tomorrow.

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2 Responses to Unappreciated

  1. MikeG says:

    You’re just lucky I wasn’t there with you. We’d both still be in handcuffs…..

  2. DirtCrashr says:

    Size-9 hushpuppy – did he squeek when he talked and stand on a chair?? Sheesh. 😉

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