Touchy Feeley

No range time for me today. I got off work at 0500 and have to report for the annual ‘Sensitivity Training Seminar’ as required by my employer at 0700.

This means that as of Monday, I will be a liberal for at least the next week or so.

OK, probably not. I’ll probably be twice as ornery as before. Oh well, at least I’m getting paid for attending.

While I’m off being ‘sensitized’ and losing even more fucking sleep this week, you should go check out the 16th Carnival of Cordite at Resistance is Futile.

I forgot to submit the tale of my latest pin shooting adventure with my friend Jon and Mr. Completely for this weeks Carnival, but I’m sending it off this evening for consideration for the next one.

One item that wasn’t in the Carnival is this post from Moral Flexibility dot Net.

The guy is building what he calls a “FrankenGarand�. You should check out this post explaining his goals with building this rifle and then the link above where he does his own parkerizing.

I really need to quit working 55 hours a week so that I can get back into building my own rifles.

And last, but not least. Just in case you missed it, Kim du Toit’s Dead Goblin Count has reached the 100 Dead Goblin mark.

If you haven’t done a ‘Happy Dance’ in a while, this is as good an excuse as any.

See you all tomorrow.

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