Getting in your genes

I was originally going to ignore this story about a group of scientists who are arguing that politics is genetic, but then LGF got into the story yesterday.

I know and agree that the Nazis used eugneics psuedo-science to kill Jews, but that is no reason to bring out and tag the scientists and Seattle commentator with a swatika. The Nazi’s also used eugenics to kill homosexuals, mentally retarted, the blind and children born with physical defects and that makes then the epitome of evil, but without intent, these scientists are just ignorant, not evil.

Besides, once you get into their work summary, even a layman like myself can see that their conclusion reflected their original hypothesis because they didn’t look far enough to disprove it. They didn’t look far enough into children separated from their parents. Of course a child is going to reflect the politics of their parental units the majority of the time when those are the people you associate with the majority of the time, even if the parental units are grandparents or an adoptive step-parent.

Unless you’re a freak like me.

My father, whom I spent less than a decade with, is a Buchananite and I’m pretty sure my mom has voted for all the national (D) candidates since McGovern.

Check through my archives and tell me if you find anything reflecting much of either of those two view points. Sure, I swing a little politically closer to my father, but I consider a lot of his political beliefs completely out the window.

Or how about the children of hippies who voted for George W. Bush, thereby completely disavowing everything their parents believe in? Was there a switch at the hospital?

If you read the link LGF provides to Seattle commentator, Ken Schram (locally known as Schrambo because he’s a dork), you’ll see an example of the average liberal in Seattle; snide, condescending and insipid. But he’s not a Nazi.

Look folks, we’ve got enough people in this country tossing the “Nazi� label around at their political foes and showing their ignorance. Thankfully, the vast majority of them are currently on the left.

Until some dingbat starts advocating throwing people in camps, let’s keep it that way.

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One Response to Getting in your genes

  1. DirtCrashr says:

    IMO he’s snide, condescending and insipid and evil, because the very same qualities he condems are ones he equally adheres-to: stilted ideologies and a smothered sense of social well-being are classic trademarks of the Leftist Orthodoxy. How about all those stilted Bush-haters and the Democrat Underground sand-pounders?
    PBS hardly threatens my intellect except in their tiresome, one-sided, Eco-bigotry and the repetitive expressions of piddling PBS snobbery and vacancy.
    I was raised as a Leftist.

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