Bat Shit Crazy


Think before you flush – mayor’s latest message to Londoners

Mr Livingstone said a third of London’s water was flushed down the toilet. “We are asking people to consider – and obviously it is a matter of personal choice – that if all you have done is take a pee, you don’t need to flush the toilet every time.

Heya pal, guess what. When I make it to London, I’m going to take a leak at every government building I can find and FLUSH TWICE!.

Do you think that ‘ol Red might be hanging around with these folks a bit too much? (Caution: Contains buzzwords such as Eden and the United Nations)

Also, I can’t seem to remember which politician said “If it’s yellow, let it mellow. If it’s brown, flush it down�. I want to say Jerry Brown, but I’m not sure.

If you do, leave me a link.

Found at Right Thinking

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One Response to Bat Shit Crazy

  1. Rivrdog says:

    That quote didn’t come from a politician, it from US Navy basic training, where all new Seaman Recruits are taught that valuable advice.

    Fresh water is always in short supply on a ship of war.

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