That Economic Powerhouse: The EU

But enough joking around.

A report from Friday out of Brussels concurred that the EU economy is 20 years behind America’s.

Far from being a force to be reckoned with, Europe’s fascination with socialism has them so far behind us that they will quite possibly never recover. The reported 20 year gap is based on the assumption that the variables will stay the same, which they won’t.

Remember Kyoto? They all signed it and we didn’t.

A report from Canada yesterday is scaring their government officials and their citizens now that they see exactly how much their signing on the dotted line will cost them in real Canadaian money (never to be confused with real American money).

Think Billions.

Add to the above facts, the revolts happening from people in countries such as France when the government tries to pull itself out of the quicksand by up-sizing the work week hours or down-sizing welfare benefits and you have the formula for economic decline.

So to all those who are trading in their US Dollars for Euros; I’ll give you 5 more years until your trinket coins aren’t worth a Canadian dollar. And I’ll give you 8 more years before you are broke and are pumping my gas for tips.

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One Response to That Economic Powerhouse: The EU

  1. You tip pump jockeys?

    Sheesh! I must be the Original Scrooge. Here in OR, we are stuck with pump jockeys because the stupids down in Salem think it’s dangerous to let people pump their own. Said pump jockeys get the minimum wage of $7.15/hr for what has to be the easiest outdoor job in the country.

    No, I don’t tip pump jockeys.

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