Sunday, Sunday

And it looks like it will be a sunny day here in Seattle, so I am off to the range again. Got another shipment of 308 ammo, so I’m off to practice with the Boomershoot rifle.

Yesterday’s Blogger Blastorama went rather well and I’ll have pics and a tale of that on Monday.

In the meantime, Aaron at the FreeWillBlog has found this little tidbit of leftist pap.

And high taxes reduce income disparities, leading to a general sense of relative well-being. Layard says that studies find that the more equally a nation’s income is distributed, the higher the level of average happiness.

He is not talking about communism, but a shrinking of wealth disparities.

Hmmm, sounds like they have again found that the words ‘Communism’ and ‘Socialism’ don’t quite sell like they used to (not that they ever really sold to anyone with more than two firing neurons).

Aaron has this mocking correlation to what that guy is saying,

“Yeah, and Hitler wasn’t talking about genocide, just a shrinking of ethnic disparities. Sounds nicer that way.â€?

And sadly, some folks think that that is the way people should speak about Hitler.

Which is very nearly as sick as this Boise State University student who is having moral issues and can actually think of a reason to kill children to get your point across.

You have to give it to the left wing, they do know about “Shock and Awe�.

I am awestruck that someone could be so fucking ignorant and shocked that there are people who agree with these people.

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