Sunday Round Up

I’m off to the range again today. This time to play with the Boomershoot rifle some more. I have to make my decision as to what ammo to buy this weekend so I can place the orders.

First up, my apologies to the Carnival of Cordite folks for forgetting until today to link to it. I don’t have a post in there this week, but it is still some good reading.

Next, we have a set of first cousins petitioning the courts to let them get married and getting turned down. The reason I’m linking to it is because these two aren’t from some ‘backasswards red-state’ as the left would like to pen them into, they’re from Pennsylvania.

Also FYI, there is a margarine war going on in Canada. You’d think that in the socialist utopia that is Quebec, the government would have already had this figured out for it’s subjects.

I guess not.

Anyway, try to get yourself out to the range today. They build them for a reason, you know.

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One Response to Sunday Round Up

  1. RE: the Kissin’ Cuzzins.

    The laws against incest (and First Cousin relationships can be a lower form of that crime) were largely a reaction to observed results of such inbreeding, in which the Royal Families of Europe were the usual groups studied. While the Churches, allied to the Royal Houses, or controlled by them, forbade incest to the general population, the Royal Families accepted in-marriage as the rule.

    Our prohibitions against first cousins marrying stem from those royal edicts.

    Perhaps that also why Voltaire’s revolutionary comment that “No man will be free until the last priest is strangled with the entrails of the last King” could still be valid today.

    I’ll wager that the level of birth defects in offspring of interbreeding First Cousins isn’t much higher than the basal level of the general population, and probably lower than other causes that this society tolerates, such as smoking (various dried herbs), methamphetamine use, alcohol abuse and on and on.

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