Not as spry as I used to be

After seeing more sunlight over this last weekend than I have in a month or more, combined with only three hours of sleep on Monday and topped off with a 14 hour work day, I’m going to have to admit to being exhasted.

If the insomnia comes back and I end up staring at the celing later this morning or afternoon, I’ll pop in and toss up the links I found yesterday. But right now, my mattress is calling loudly.

I would like to take a moment to congratulate the people of Lebanon and wish them good luck in the coming months.

I would also like to tip my iced tea glass to the young people of Iran and wish them luck in having their mullahs allow a referendum. It is now the Persian people’s turn.

Have a good day folks. Be careful out there.


PS: Hey Putin, only the blogosphere has the power to fire reporters.

If we caught Bush doing that, we’d impeach his ass.

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