My, Aren’t They Touchy!

Congressman Jim Gibbons (R)-Nevada was speaking at a private function and made the a point about those on the left going to Iraq to act as human sheilds for Saddam Hussein.

“I say we tell those liberal, tree-hugging, Birkenstock-wearing, hippie, tie-dyed liberals to go make their movies and their music and whine somewhere else,” Gibbons said to another burst of applause.

He said that they are the same people who wanted to go to Iraq and become human shields for the enemy.

“I say it’s just too damn bad we didn’t buy them a ticket,” Gibbons said.

Laughter rippled through the room, mingled with more applause.

AND of course, the Klueless Kos Klan is up in arms about the showing off of their cohorts stupidity.

This kind of hate speech has no place in civil society. By engaging in such base commentary, Rep. Gibbons has declared himself unfit to hold office and must resign.

Hey DavidNYC, you know what pal, it isn’t my fault you took sides with the group that supported a dictator when they saw that America had laid its crosshiars on him.

I can guarantee you that if Bush started getting antsy towards Castro, you and yours would high-tail it to Havana and do the very damn same thing for Castro.

Get over it

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One Response to My, Aren’t They Touchy!

  1. Chris Van Dis says:

    And I am sure those guys are all up in arms about Senator “sheets” Byrd calling Republicans Nazis. I eagerly anticipate their outrage!



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