How the Left Supports the Soldiers

While mucking through the bile that is the Klueless Kos Klan, I saw and advertisement for one of these,


It is a magnet, just like the yellow ones and the red, white and blue ones you see on just about every other vehicle nowadays (more so if you are in a red state/less so if you are in a blue one).

Except this one is black with yellow letters that says “Support Our Troops, Bring Them Home�

Oh how sweet. The left is sure that the soldiers are too stupid to be able to judge their own situations and just wants to cut and run, leaving all that we the soldiers have accomplished so far half finished and leaving no honor to those who have fallen.


And I can guarantee you this, the money from the sale of these magnets will not go to a pro-military cause.

Whenever the subject of the pro-soldier ribbons comes up at places like Kooky Kossucker-land, they always belch out statements to the effect that the money is isn’t going to the soldiers or their families, even though they have zilch, nada and zero proof of this.

I bought the ones that are on the back of my truck and on the Analog Wife’s car from the good folks at Ft. Harrison, Montana. I know where the money from their sale went.

Which socialist organization are the sales of these going to help? I bet that the syKosphants couldn’t tell me if given three guesses.

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One Response to How the Left Supports the Soldiers

  1. dogtulosba says:

    I’d like to see how far someone would get with one of those…

    Kinda like how one of my sappers put the rainbow triangle magnet on the First Sergeant’s truck this morning… Hilarious, but in a cruel way. Just waiting for him to go down the street and get his ass kicked.


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