Go Directly to Jail

Do not pass go. Do not collect a freakin’ dime.

A Prattville woman Tuesday was charged with planting nude images of her child in her ex-husband’s home, just one day after police accused her of conspiring to kill the man over a custody dispute, law enforcement officials said.

Shannon Marie Lorenzo, 32, is accused of breaking into her ex-husband’s home and taking a picture of her 2-year-old child naked while holding an erotic toy. She is also accused of planting other images of child pornography, officials said.

She is charged with two counts of permitting a child to engage in production of obscene material, one count of possession of obscene material, and one count of conspiracy to commit murder, officials said. She also faces burglary and theft charges, some unrelated to the case involving her ex-husband, Chad Baker.

“This is definitely not the way to resolve a custody dispute,” District Attorney Randall Houston said.

Jeez, you think so Randy? Did they teach you that in Attorney school?

Maybe you should think about mandating some therapy for this broad as well as NEVER LETTING HER SEE HER CHILD AGAIN FOR THE NEXT 16 YEARS.

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