Give them a chance

Aaron at the FreeWillBlog thinks he has already found the worst UPI article of the year.

Gene Koproski of the UPI

There may be more liberal blogs than conservative ones on the Internet, but the conservatives appear to be much more adept at employing the technology of the medium to market their message and influence public opinion, experts told UPI’s The Web.

Take last year’s presidential election. Research shows conservatives used the blogs — a contraction for the term, Web logs — to talk down Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry on the Internet, perhaps making themselves one of the decisive factors in the November election’s outcome.

Aaron at FreeWill

Talking about what’s wrong with the other party? Wow, that was downright Machiavellian. We’re brilliant to come up with such an unconventional tactic.

Liberal blogs, on the other hand, despite some finding themselves in the employ of George Soros’ front organizations, hardly spent any time at all criticizing George Bush, right? Right?

I don’t know, Aaron, I think the next nine months gives the UPI too much time to beat even Koproski’s pile of dung. But not by much.

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