Dissecting Elevators

Actually, elevator pitches from Democrats.

For those who aren’t familiar with sales/promotional lingo, an “Elevator Pitch� is when someone trying to sell you something gives you a quick one or two sentences that are impossible to deny or disagree with. Once they have you nodding your head, the hit you with a couple more sentences that are slightly less logical but still agreeable.

An example would be:

“Do you want to have your pediatrician be one of the best in the country? Of course you do.�

“So come on by Dr. Smith’s office at 123 Main St. and we’ll get your children signed up for a full check up on our new patient special.

You see, they have put into your head that this doctor is a good doctor who just came into town. If you are looking for a new doctor, they’ve got you ready to stop on by his office, even though you know nothing of his qualifications or whether he is accepted by your insurance or how much this ‘new patient special’ is going to cost. Heck, for all you know, this guy could be a voodoo priest.

But guess what, you’ll go to the office anyway. And that is what they want.

This is the type of thing the Democrats are working on. They are absolutely positive that one of the reasons they lost is because they didn’t have a good enough ‘Elevator Pitch’.

I wrote about the Klueless Kos Klan making the search for one of these into sort of a Klas Project back in January.

The Happy Carpenter has found one of these pitches and goes about dissecting in a rather unfriendly way.

You want to see something like that, right? Of course you do.

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