Big Brass Ones

GWB named a gentleman named John Bolton to be the US Ambassador to the UN.

I could not recall ever hearing the name before so I read around and after having done so I think that Bush has gone balls out to show the world we mean business.

If you do not know who Mr. Bolton is, here are some snippets,

From the JunkYardBlog:

“Throughout his tenure as Undersecretary of State for Arms Control, Bolton has made all the right enemies, namely lefties like Sen. Barbara Boxer and pretty much the entire pro-UN chorus in Congress. But more important than which politicians despise him, our enemies abroad fear him. He has been one of the administration’s leading hawks in dealing with Iran and North Korea, to the point that the latter refuses to meet with him anymore. If Kim Jong-Il hates you, you’re the JYB’s kind of guy. Around the UN, Bolton is known for criticizing its lackluster record in pretty much every area of its responsibility. He has gone after the UN for failing to enforce arms control agreements, for failing to deal with rogue states–you name it.”

The NYT:

In a 2002 interview with The New York Times, Mr. Bolton was asked about what seemed to be mixed signals from the Bush administration on North Korea. He grabbed a book from a shelf and laid it on the table. Its title: “The End of North Korea.”

“That,” he told the interviewer, “is our policy.”

Mr. Bolton is widely quoted as having said at a panel discussion in 1994 that “if the U.N. secretariat building in New York lost 10 stories, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference.” And in 1998 he dismissed a vote at the United Nations as irrelevant, saying, “this will simply provide further evidence to many why nothing more should be paid to the U.N. system.”

Sounds like my kind of guy.

As is expected, the left is going apesh*t. Michelle Malkin has a number of links includy Digby comparing Mr. Bolton to Ted Bundy.

My favorite though, is this line from DavidNYC over at the Big Red Kossuckers,

“We can’t even show an ounce of respect for the international community, can we?”

Hey David, the “International Community” gives nuclear weapons to rouge states, gives the thumbs up to slavery and the jailing of rape victims and not the rapists.

Exactly why should we show them any respect?

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