You listening, JFK2?

Maintaining the “sanctity of the awards, Marine style.”:

Seems like it was handled very badly by the Corps, however. Puggs was injured in a “non-combat” situation – that doesn’t make his injuries any less real or the effects any less lasting (as we are learning from his prolonged hiatus).

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2 Responses to You listening, JFK2?

  1. JSAllison says:

    Sprained my ankle badly playing volleyball with some Saudi soldiers during GWI. Volleyball was stamped ‘Made in Iraq”. Never could get my boss to go for the ‘injured as a result of enemy action’ thing…Nor would he go for a later incident in which I was laid up with food poisoning for several days after eating a spoiled cream donut that had been baked by a Yemeni…the nerve of them folks… Across town at the stealth fighter base rumor had it that at least one officer had received a purple heart for contracting frostbite on his butt from the air conditioner behind his desk…but hey, bitter? moi? 😉

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