The Truth?

You can’t -handle- _tell_ “the truth.”:

bq. _*This is a work in progress that I am making available due to the current interest in Ward Churchill�s writings. I show that Churchill has committed research fraud, and very possibly committed perjury as well. This article analyzes Churchill�s fabrication of a genocide. Churchill invented a story about the US Army deliberately creating a smallpox epidemic among the Mandan people in 1837 by distributing infected blankets. While there was a smallpox epidemic on the Plains in 1837, it was entirely accidental, the Army wasn�t involved, and nearly every element of Churchill�s story is a total invention. My goal here was to show how and why Churchill engaged in such blatant fraud, and why no one has challenged him on it until now.*_

I didn’t think Churchill should be fired for his hateful nonsense (now the people who granted him tenure are another story). But allegations of fraud and plagiarism strike at the very heart of what academia is about. One can only wonder if he will actually get challenged on this, or whether he’ll get a free pass because of his “ethnicity”.

Note to the tenured faculty committee – it should serve as a warning when a potential hire has *no* publications in a refereed publication.

This would be like me being hired and given tenure when the only things I had written were for _Cat Fancy_ magazine and _Dog Lover’s World_.

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