
I don�t know what it is about the left, but they got a hard-on for hating them some Jews.

Ace finds this tidbit from everyone�s favorite fake Indian, Ward Churchill, in the NY Sun�..

Prior to this incident,

Mr. Churchill�s scholarly reputation was based mainly on a squalid tract called �A Little Matter of Genocide� (1997), in which he argued that the murder of European Jews was not at all a �fixed policy objective of the Nazis� and accused Jews of seeking to monopolize for themselves all that beautiful Holocaust suffering that other groups would very much like, ex post facto, to share.

I swear, it must be something in the water at those universities.

Found via Inoperable Terran

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3 Responses to Typical

  1. W says:

    We need a bit than this quote. Ward Churchill is a freak of nature, to be sure… he is right that many Jewish lobbying groups (like Japanese ones in America) have sought to claim all the suffering, and hence all the money, for themselves. The Nazis went after all kinds of people. This is established fact, however, saying it can get you viciously attacked by some lobbying organizations.
    It is not anti-semitic to note that some lobbying groups contain greedy people, as it is not racist to note that that the NAACP has a lot of dishonet people in it.
    My .02

  2. reese says:

    As a resident of Denver, I feel it necessary to explain the sad state of affairs in the People’s Republic of Boulder. There exists in this 1960’s time-warp known as the University of Colorado, a disaffected group of overpriveledged white people who are just pissed off that they can’t be counted as victims, and all the resulting social benefits thereof. Ward Churchill is about as Native as I am European. Face it Ward, your’e just another American like everyone else. People like Ward Churchill are a dime a dozen. Half-baked, intellectually questionable asshats, that run their mouth, run their mouth, run their mouth, until they $hl+ talk the wrong person. Then, when something goes wrong, I guess all we can say is; “sometimes people push back.”

  3. AnalogKid says:

    Heya W, I take it that you meant to include the �more� in the first sentence of your comment.

    If you haven�t read the whole NYSun report, I would suggest it. The Fake Indian makes a number of other ignorant quotes on this topic. I wish someone would publish the whole essay it is excerpted from, though.

    Frankly, anyone who says that the genocide of Jews �was not a fixed policy objective of the Nazis� needs to be taken out and tarred and feathered for good measure. While it is on the light side of holocaust denial, it is still firmly on that that side.

    Granted, there was also a dedicated campaign against gypsies and homosexuals as well, but their numbers, even combined, did not come close to that of the Jewish people. Also, the campaigns against them did not begin until later. Early on in the National Socialist Party, homosexuals were openly accepted.

    The opening line from the NYSun report says it all,

    “Some ideas,�wrote George Orwell over half a century ago, �are so stupid that only intellectuals could believe them.�

    And thank you for the local perspective, Reese. I live quite near the University of Washington. I know exactly what you�re talking about.

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