Truly Sick

I don’t know who did this,

Bald eagles found slaughtered in Vancouver B.C.

A flash of white feathers lured Julie Bryson-McElwee’s dog into the bush. She followed when he didn’t come back. A dead bald eagle lay on the forest floor. Lunging to keep her pet away from the carcass, Bryson-McElwee stumbled on Wednesday across a shallow grave, piled with 14 of the protected species. The legs and tail feathers had been cut off, possibly for sale on the black market.

“It’s just sickening,” Bryson-McElwee said in a telephone interview on Thursday. “Whoever did this had a real operation going, there were garbage bags all around the grave and in it. It looked to me like they were killed somewhere else and brought here to be buried.”

Wildlife officers investigating the killings say they aren’t uncommon.

“We have found birds mutilated like this over the years,” said Rick Hahn, a senior conservation officer for the Lower Mainland. “We suspect there is a black market trade in the talons. Eagles are traditionally used by First Nations people for cultural ceremonies.

But if I ever caught someone doing something like this, I have a feeling that it would be they who would be getting mutilated and their corpse found by dogs (If at all).

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One Response to Truly Sick

  1. night heron says:

    Damn well unamerican i have a feeling that CHARLES LIMBURGH(the lone ealge)would be spinning in his grave since limburgh was a big supporter of the eagle and you are right the only reason some scumbag is shooting these magnicicent birds is for the black market

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