Three Days of the Kos IMC

So, I�ve been collecting these links from the Klueless Kos Klan and trying to figure out what, exactly I am going to do with them.

Let�s see�.

Feb 3,
Because they hate everything and everyone attached in any way to the Bush Administration, on of the Klan decided to check the background of Ms. Sofia Taleb Al Souhail, the Iraqi woman sitting behind Laura Bush at the SOTU address.

Turns out, she is everything Bush said she was. Heaven forbid that Bush be proven to be honest.

Feb 4,
The government lawyers lost a case against the tobacco companies in the D.C. US Court of Appeals. Seems they wanted, big surprise, more money.

Since they went through their first wad of cash like crap through a goose and they saw that their cash cow still had some cash in it, they went for another milking and lost.

The Klan members whine and seethe.

Feb 5,
Juan Cole gets his ass handed to him by Jonah Goldberg for saying that the 1997 Iranian �elections� were more democratic that the 2005 Iraqi elections.

Big baby Juan comes back with a response of,

Jonah Goldberg is a Doody-Head! (paraphrased, of course)

Is that the best you can do, little man? I thought you were some sort of professional writer or something?

Poor wittle Juan. Can�t make your hyperbole stick, so you just attack the messenger. Politics of Personal Destruction, ineeed.

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