Socialism is expanding in Montana

The Dems were quite proud of themselves after their take over of Montana.

They seem to be getting too big for their britches already though,

As an incentive for these “big box stores” to pay a living wage to their workers, Sen. Ken Toole’s Senate Bill 272 would impose a gross proceeds tax on these companies. They would be exempt from the tax if they paid their employees an entry level wage of at least $22,000 a year, counting both pay and benefits and if less than half of their workers were part-time.

To which Ted at Rocket Jones asks the question,

�at what point does a company become so successful that they’ve become evil?�

In case you didn�t know it, while tourism is Montana�s largest industry, Wal-Mart is Montana�s largest employer.

If this little bit of socialism gets enacted, Montanians can pretty much expect Wal-Mart to pull up stakes and haul ass out of their �Big Sky Country�.

And if that happens and Senator Toole (how fucking true) is not run out of the state after being lit on fire, I�ll do whatever I can to never visit there again. BTW, the wife�s entire family lives there, so that isn�t a hollow remark.

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One Response to Socialism is expanding in Montana

  1. This is an important matter, but I’m not worried about the uber-experienced corporate attorneys at Wal-Mart. They’ve had this little issue to face damn near everywhere they’ve located, and by their retail numbers, I’d say that it hasn’t slowed them down much.

    What I would be, and AM more worried about is hunting and fishing, and hunting guide regulation especially. These new rampant (D)ummies will ally themselves with every moonbarking envirowhacko group in MT, and the result will be an attempt to choke off the industry of hunt guiding, which is very large and very traditional in MT.

    In case you don’t feel too alarmed about it, read
    the “Bitch Girls” blog at
    on this same subject in ME, another state that used to pride itself on it’s hunting and fishing industries, but apparently thinks it’s outgrown that primitive sort of thing. Or rather the (d)ummies THERE seem to think that.

    BTW, while you’re there, read everything the Bitter Bitch has posted on guns. She’s quite the pro-gun activist.

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